Been Awhile and looking to reconnect


Mid Life Rebel
Used to post and read here frequently, but have been busy and happy with psl. Seem to have lost favor, and open to options.
BTW, I am 51 and keep the lean ripped look as it fits me best. Pretty much run Test E always at 250mg per week, then a few times a year bump to 750 for 15 weeks and will run 10 weeks of deca at 600 during that blast.
Bloods are always good.
a few times a year for 15 weeks at a time? so basically year round. lol i mean not that i care, just funny how you phrased that.
Also, hired 3J's about 5 years (or so) ago. Still utilize some of his methods. Anyone on the fence about him, I would encourage you to consult him.