Been to my endo for the first time,need your insight


New member
So I have been to endo.

The best endo in my country.

I have low test all my life,around 280.

I have told her all my symptoms.

She said that my test is terribly low for my age(29),that testosterone is the most important hormone for men,for their psyche,bone health,fertility and cardiac health and much more.
She`s a firm believer in test,she stated that many times in her interviews(calls it "hormone of the kings and the king hormone".

I told her I have never used steroids(I didn`t)

She said she will do everything to put my test to the levels where they should be.

She did and ultrasound of
my internal organs(fine)
my pecs(no gyno)
my balls(all is fine with balls)

I will have to go to the lab and do:
LH,FSH,TSH,Free Test,3HCG(I think?),Prolactin,
and a 0,30,60,90,120 min glucose test

And then report back to her.

I asked her will I get some hormones to take and which ones,
and she said that she will know only when those tests are done.

My question is:
what do you guys think,
what are the chances I will get TRT?

I`d rather not get anything other,like HCG,T3 or any other bull that is not gonna be worth it in the gym.

p.s.she has a poster for nebido on the wall,
and posters for test enanthate and andriol in the lobby(among other posters)

Sounds likely that you'll get some form of test from her if she can't bring your test up some other way. I wouldn't discount HCG. It might not help in the gym, but if you like your balls (I love mine, and am quite attached to them) you should consider if your doctor recommends it. Likewise with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), which can keep you from getting Gyno.
Sounds likely that you'll get some form of test from her if she can't bring your test up some other way. I wouldn't discount HCG. It might not help in the gym, but if you like your balls (I love mine, and am quite attached to them) you should consider if your doctor recommends it. Likewise with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), which can keep you from getting Gyno.
Is shrinkage(shutdown)really that bad from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses?

I love my balls too.
Supposedly, yes. Plus hcg has lots of other effects, both mental and physical. Look at some of the research by dr crisler or any of the other big names in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). They make hcg sound like a must on HRT
Supposedly, yes. Plus hcg has lots of other effects, both mental and physical. Look at some of the research by dr crisler or any of the other big names in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). They make hcg sound like a must on HRT

for most HCG works out really well, and some claim it is the best hormone since testosterone. Some even do HGC mono-therapy.

I would say 1 or 2 out of 10 guys aromatize too much on it, and have to be careful with dosing or not use it at all.

It also stimulates the P 450 side chain enzyme ( this comes from Crisler) at the pituitary. This supposedly back fills the correct metabolic pathways with hormones like cortisol, DHEA and TSH.

Some believe this is why it gives you almost like a sense of well being. I describe it to some as being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for a while, feeling stale and having low ejaculate volume, this can desensitize the ejaculation ( in my opinion) and HCG can revitalize that.

Its also not a bad idea to take a week or so off HCG every 5-10 weeks.
So my hormone blood work is here

FSH @ 3,50
men 0,7-11,1 mlU/ml

LH @ 4,35
men 0,8-7,6 mlU/ml

Prolactin @ 189
53,0-360,0 mlU/L

Estradiol @ 44,5
men 0,0-56 pg/ml

Beta HCG @ <1,00
0,0-5,0 mlU/ml

FT4 @ 18,06
12,00-22,0 pmol/l

TSH @ 4,73
0,40-4,00 µIU/ml

To recap,I have low total T,around 280,
and also low free T.

Did ultrasound of balls and they are fine.

I will still have to do glucose tolerance test and standard test(cholesterol,AST,ALT,creatinine etc)

I wonder what the doc will see in these hormone results.

Can you make something out of this?
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So my hormone blood work is here

TSH @ 4,73
0,40-4,00 µIU/ml

Can you make something out of this?

Your TSH levels are high and indicate that you may be suffering from hypothyrodism.
Your endo should address this issue first as hypothroidism can and will reduce testosterone production.
Your TSH levels are high and indicate that you may be suffering from hypothyrodism.
Your endo should address this issue first as hypothroidism can and will reduce testosterone production.

Thanks man,I found the diagnosis of sub-clinical hypothyroidism on the net(high TSH,normal thyroid hormone)

It does not say anything about testosterone regarding this on wiki.

So giving Levothyroxine(thyroid hormone) will be doc`s choice for this problem presumably?

I read on a few places that people with this condition get Levothyroxine+Androgel.

But what is confusing me with this condition is that T4 levels are NORMAL?