before and after

Hey brother job very well done, you have takin motivation to a whole new level, dude very nice job, the hard work you've put in goes a very long way brother
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Hey man thats great i m in kinda the same situation while i was 320 now im down to 258 but i wanna lower my bodyfat and lean out and get big, i am really curious on how you did this , def post it man , and be honest about every part of it, if u used gear, how much and everything man, good work u should be really proud of yourself
Excuse me but that is fucking awsome!!!
I used to have a 40 inch waist and 200 at 5'8 and got down to 31 with 153 so I know how hard you worked. Always keep up with the abs and cardio that works your lungs, I do eliptical and 1 mile sprints 7-8 min mile pace on avg. This way you stay strong and can rep out like crazy, keep up the great work.
nice transition man, you thinking about doing a cycle?

Yes very nice transition on the weight loss but believe me hes already done more than a cycle. Too bad he only made 4 posts here and his last one was a year ago. Id say hes long gone, wish he could of told us a little more on how he did it.
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