before cycle pics, progress and final to come soon!


New member
This is what i was looking like before a cycle of Test Enanthate

my stats are: 21yrs old, 5'9, 211lbs
my cycle is: Test E- 750mg/wk- 10wks
supplements are: Isopure, multi vitamin, arimdex, and Flax Seed Oil to include into the diet.
PCT will be: either Clomid or Nolvadex

- those pics are from FEB-MAR, i am now into my 3rd week of my TEST E cycle so i will try to update pics as much as possible
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definatly swollen my friend, you look great for precycle, have u felt the kick yet from teh test, usuaully sets in around 3-4 week mark. IMO you're biceps are you're best bodypart, make mine look dinky...what do you do for excersizes? what about abs?
why did u choose to go so high on first cycle dosages, a lot of people will tell ya to start at 300-500, because the effects will be almost the same, also you won't have developed a tolerance for the larger ammounts, so when u get to the point where 500 isnt doing anything anymore, u can step it up....just opinions, i think you're going to be real happy with ur cycle

check out the stick on it, they are a great resource...
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yea i am bumping down to 500mg a week because soem of these shots are really taking a lot outta me. i was doin the glutes but then i started getting extreme pain there because i was doing to frequent in the same spot. So i just did my thigh for the first time yesterday and the pain is like so bad today, hurts to bend. i mean is it the needle size, which is 22gauge 1.5inch needle. which ill probably only push in an inch next time i so it. But none the less is fuckin hurts man. not fun at all. some say its the amount of BA thats put in the bottle but idk, it has 20% Benzyl Benzoate and 2.5% Benzyl Alcohol and Cotton Seed Oil in a 20ml bottle. Please take the pain away!haha
i do large bicep workouts usually heavy weight for reps of 8-10. Ab workouts are usually machines and the med. ball on the decline bench, shit like that
i grew up powerlifting so i was always a decent size kid, used to have better numbers but after two knee reconstructions, my squat has gone down a great deal. These are my numbers now:
-squat- 405x2
-deadlift- 405x5
- bench- 385x2
dude, you are jacked...great job on building up natty and then doing the first cycle with a good base. Your after pics are going to be wicked...nice work. How about the wheels?
good work.

dilute your test 50/50 with sterile oil, grapeseed works good, to reduce the pain. what's the mg/ml of it?
the Test is 250mg/ml and im running 750mgs a week. i know im going to hacked for this put how exactly do i dilute these products you mentioned in the Test?
BigArmsMcgee said:
the Test is 250mg/ml and im running 750mgs a week. i know im going to hacked for this put how exactly do i dilute these products you mentioned in the Test?

Say you're shooting 1.5 ml twice a week. If you want to dilute it a little draw .5 ml of oil into the syringe then draw in 1.5 more of the test. If you want to dilute it more draw 1 ml of oil.
LiftTillIDie said:
Say you're shooting 1.5 ml twice a week. If you want to dilute it a little draw .5 ml of oil into the syringe then draw in 1.5 more of the test. If you want to dilute it more draw 1 ml of oil.

what is the purpose for diluting the test?
hmlacrosse said:
what is the purpose for diluting the test?

To reduce the pain.

Why the fuck are you shooting yourself with a 22 gauge? Get some 25 gauge needles and don't shoot the same site more than once a week.
i figured it was the needle size, its the only thing i have because i was shootin my glutes, i guess ill have to go check to see if they have the 25gauge at the pharmacy
i have 23, and they aren't so bad, my test is 250 E and it isnt comfortable the next day,but i've come to get used to it. I warm it up big time in the sink before doin it