Beginner testosterone only cycle


New member
WEll my stats age 23; weight 83; height 186cm; trained 2,8 years;

I got already dbol but not doing it because its advanced juicers not me.
I got also Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 60 tabs (20 mg/tab)
Clomiphene (Clomid) 30 tablets (50 mg/tablet)

So im planning to buy
Testosterone Enanthate Iranian 250mg
10vials each 250mg
And with it i want to do the cycle
I would like to do 6 weeks test cycle
Something like that 1week monday 250mg
2 week monday 250mg
3 week monday, friday 250mg
4 week monday, friday 250mg
5 week monday, friday 250mg
6 week monday, friday 250mg

And pct i do 1 week pause then starting with clomid.
Nolva for protection of gyno.

So my questions i should put the vials with testosteron into refrigerator.?

Next question has anyone had pain in the place where did he injected?

Third question i sawed a video on youtube where guy injected 250mg into hes butt so i could do the 6 weeks all the way into butt and the testosteron will spread around my body and every thing gets the same amount?

Explaining the third question i mean not only my butt muscle dosent grow i want confirm that everything grows equal thats waht i mean....
you need to do test a min of 10 wks to see anything decent i would rec 12 and you need more then 250mg.
* you donot need to put amps/viles in fridge.
you need more test.
this is what you need:
24amps/viles 1ml each at 250mg per ml
you take 2 of those each week i would do them about 3 days apart.
*start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot*
this should be your cycle:

week 1-12 500mg testE ew (1 shot tuesday,1 shotfriday)
week 15-19post cycle therapy (pct) nolva 30-40mg ed for 4 weeks should be nuff for this light cycle.

*i dont use nor like clomid and dont think you should bother with it added*

*even if you did want to go with only 250mg ew "thow 350-400 would be the min id rec" it would still be a waste to go under 12 weeks.
6 weeks is just stupid its a long ester meaning it will take like 4 weeks to start to work. so you get 2-3 weeks of help? waste of time!
ohh lord.

dont use steroid untill you learn everything.

its put in muscle and then is slowly absorbed into the blood it has nothing yo do with putting into a cerian muscle. for eg. if you took an oral streroid liek dbol NOTHING is being put into the butt its put into the tumm ybut then absorbed into blood.

so to answer your Q (yes your other muscles will get it)

whats your diet like?

somthing tells me your not ready to use anything just yet.
but im happy your asking not just doing.
body fat is really low i think 10% or below doing besides weight lifting running always at least 8km ~ 50 minutes steadyly.
Diet is ok.

Actually 2 more questions what about Testosterone Propionate is it also slow type and needs also at least 10 weeks? I read about it and they sayd that it is faster and needs to inject atleast every 3 days. If i get hands on that would i do not so long cycle?

And what about stanazol or winstrol tablets about to use for beginner i readed they give pure gains, very less water and are minimal side effects but not so effective mass gainers....
body fat is really low i think 10% or below doing besides weight lifting running always at least 8km ~ 50 minutes steadyly.
Diet is ok.

Actually 2 more questions what about Testosterone Propionate is it also slow type and needs also at least 10 weeks? I read about it and they sayd that it is faster and needs to inject atleast every 3 days. If i get hands on that would i do not so long cycle?

And what about stanazol or winstrol tablets about to use for beginner i readed they give pure gains, very less water and are minimal side effects but not so effective mass gainers....

with prop i would still not go any lower then 8 weeks.
eg. even the slow test hits its peek in 3-4 days after injected but ok this is how i can explain it most simply. : you need it to be there for a while before you see results. eg. you need to have the engein runnign and moving for a bit before you get any where.
faster esters liek testprop yes you can shorten a bit but still needs some decent time i feel to get full benifit.
also prop should be used ed to eod "every other day" wich is alot of shots and i feel you are better off going with the slower one and only need ot do 2 shots a week.
also Winstrol (winny) have alot of sides its one of the worst for cholesterol and hard on joints/tendons.
if you must add an oral i would add 30mg tbol ed for first 6 weeks or var "anavar" for 8-10wks at 40mg ed.
****most orals (id say 99% of them) should only be used for up to 5-8 weeks var is an exception thow still slightly toxic i feel is ok to go for up to 14 wks at nto to high a dose 40-60mged****
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I think you should do a lot more research before starting this bro. Use the search bar on this site or Google it, for one you are still a little young, and if you dont know what you are doing you could mess yourself up, for two i would look at some of the sample cycles here and other places to get a better idea of what you are going to be doing, diet and workout wise.
WEll my stats age 23; weight 83; height 186cm; trained 2,8 years;

I got already dbol but not doing it because its advanced juicers not me.
I got also Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 60 tabs (20 mg/tab)
Clomiphene (Clomid) 30 tablets (50 mg/tablet)

So im planning to buy
Testosterone Enanthate Iranian 250mg
10vials each 250mg
And with it i want to do the cycle
I would like to do 6 weeks test cycle
Something like that 1week monday 250mg
2 week monday 250mg
3 week monday, friday 250mg
4 week monday, friday 250mg
5 week monday, friday 250mg
6 week monday, friday 250mg

And post cycle therapy (pct) i do 1 week pause then starting with clomid.
Nolva for protection of gyno.

So my questions i should put the vials with testosteron into refrigerator.?

Next question has anyone had pain in the place where did he injected?

Third question i sawed a video on youtube where guy injected 250mg into hes butt so i could do the 6 weeks all the way into butt and the testosteron will spread around my body and every thing gets the same amount?

Explaining the third question i mean not only my butt muscle dosent grow i want confirm that everything grows equal thats waht i mean....

man you need to read up on some newbee cycles...test 4 6 weeks?that aint enough time.....are you kiddin me......:Puke:
Well the plan is this 8 week
every week 500mg
Then waiting 2 weeks and start post cycle therapy (pct) : using 200 mg; 150mg; 100mg; 50, 50 ,50 ,50
And another week 50 mg clomid
Nolvadeks/tamofexin for case of gyno.

So the fear what i have and what is the main question does this cycle requir fucking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or not.!!!
I readed on forum "elitefitness" that some people there is a sticky that says more than 6 weeks test cycle requirs hcg. Now why i asked over this in this forum as i have readed very much and seen even cycles that are 12 weeks and no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) there also so???
It sounds like you need to learn a whole lot more,before doing something you obviously know nothing about at this time. Not dogging you bro, just sayin. Anyway if you gonna run Test, run it no less than 12weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Repeat no less than 12 weeks!!!!!!! PCT is pretty much required if you want natural test levels to resume back to normal.
Most people know this, but for the purposes of this thread....PCT isn't an option, its a requirement of a cycle, and IMO is more important than the cycle itself. I agree with everyone on this thread....Do more research, read around these forums; There are very knowlegable people on here with lots of experience and great advice to give, so take it, and learm from them. Before you start into any cycle, it is very important you understand everything about it. With that being said, get yourself educated on the basics, and go from there. A simple cycle is all you need at this point. Small steps! But good luck, and let us know how things go.
Well age is 23
Trained over 3 years
Bodyfat some 8-10% moust i belive my buttoks there is the fat i belive.

Gear 16 ampuls galenika 250mg 1ml testosteron and 4 iranian testosteron aburahian also 1ml 250mg.

PCT Clomid around 50-60 tabs each 50mg
Nolvadex 60 tabs each 20 mg. And 20 tablets tamofexin ~basically the same as Nolvadex so total of them 80 tabs.

Ohter supplements 1 kg creatin ...
and 3 kg usual protein

Dieting is ok.

Cycle should will be 8 weeks but if i react to testosteron good then might go to 10 weeks but not sure i dunno how i reackt.

1 week 500mg
2 week 500mg
3 week 500mg
4 week 500mg
5 week 500mg
6 week 500mg
7 week 500mg
8 week 500mg

2 week off and then start pct with Clomid

11 week 200;150;100;50;50;50;50mg
12 week 50; 50; 50; 50; 50; 50; 50mg
And then will see if i recover or not il continue it.
For gyno i got loads of nolva.

Fear are acne and fucking gyno. Il buy some extra soaps and stuff to clean out skin.

Today wendsday week 1
So today finished training runned 50 minutes including running stairs then some
stretch out.

Wented fast to shower but i was heated up taked a 10 minutes shower cleaned skin especialy from buttoks.

First injection
Next i opened galenkia ampul, lol it was hard do, i didnt cut it with knife to make it easier to open just used towel and hitted with right hand to the top some 6-7 times i feared that i will break the ampul (newb like i am) and then i opened.

Tooked out syringe 5 milliliter and needle, didnt touch the iron needle with anything, pulled the liquid into the syringe! IT WAS AGAIN BIT HARD TO DO. THERE WENT AIR ON IT NEEDED SOME TIMES TO HIT WITH THE FINGER TO THE SYRINGE AND PRESS EASYLE TO GE THE AIR OUT.

Ok tooked the alcohol napkin cleaned right buttok and injected, lol hand shaked like dunno what i had fear and im still having the fear of injection did it. PULLED SYRINGE BACK TO SEE IF BLOOD WENT IN IT. NO BLOOD CAME TO SYRINGE STARTED INJECTING IT GENTLY PUSHING THE SYRINGE. AFTER THE INJECTION I SAWED THAT SOME DROPS OF TESTOSTERON CAME OUT OF THE BUTTOK. AND ALSO SAWED A LITTLE DROP OF BLOOD COMING OUT.


Rushed out from bathroom layed to bed and rubbed my buttok where i injected it.
Done now the buttok is little weird like lol like dunno hurting not much but lil bitt.

Is that the normal that from buttok camed out a blood drop? Is that normal that some testosteron camed out from buttok?

LOL i have no way back already did first injection and will do atleast 8 weeks with hard core training and dieting!!!!
Before the second shot i messed up also i broked acidentaly a galenkia ampul and wasted a syringe with needle, the needle was so hard stuck on the plastic protection i used lethal force and goted it open but with inerts the needle hitted my finger lol and finger started bleeding.
Well the second shot well went smooth. I injected it into left leg. And now a question i injected with it like 45-60 degrees, but i sawed some movies / tuturials show that it is done some 80/90 degress into muscle. Weird thing is that i injected it and the leg dosent yet hurt. Did i do right that i injected with 45 degree or not ?
Well yesterday did running 50minutes and also abs excersise for 30minutes. What i noticed is that after training the leg is much more hurting, so i dunno is it individual but it seems like when i train a part of me and if i inject after there it will hurt and also if i inject before there and after train it; it will also hurt. So the best way is like injecting there what im not right training and waiting 3 days and then train that part...