Beginner to all this...


New member







Ok. First my stats: (Beginning)
29 y/o
19.3% BF
185 Max Bench
250 Max Squat

I've began training (for 90 days) with Larry Pacifico here in Dayton, Ohio. Trying to become an amature bodybuilder and better my health. Have set behind a desk for the last 10 years eating junk food and drinking way too much Mt. Dew.
I'm now 30 days into training and eating right, lifting 4 days per week, 2 hours per week Cardio, and busting my ass with Larry's help.

Current stats:
29 y/o
15.2% BF (on my way to 8)
245 Max Bench (315 with help on decline)
300 Max Squat (four knee surgery's will not allow much more here)

Please look at pics and try to remember.....this is my first attempt at lifting weights seriously.

Thanks guys and gals!!!
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Edit (Pics didn't work but I saw the link)

So you gained 10 lbs in 1 month and you still have more definition than before? That's very good. Congrats. Keep it up.
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Yes...I actually gained 10lbs and my pants dropped from a size 36 waist to a size 32. Don't get me wrong...Larry trains me very hard and my diet is very strict.
It's now almost three weeks later and I'm weighing right around 193 and still gaining more definition.
That's awesome that you've taken your body back and are conditioning it so well. You certainly are doing more than most people do: join a gym and go a few times.