behavioural changes, lpz help!


New member
hi, im new to steroids and dont know much about them i suppose thats why im here!
my fella has started taking steroids (again) hes not very regular with taking them he starts and stops when he feels like it and to be honest dont tell me much about what hes doing.
my main consern is since we have been together every time i have know about his steroid use he gets a bit distant and cold, qinda like he dont care about anything but him self.
the first time he was living with his wife when we met and he says it was over with her, moved out coz we met and started to stay with me most of the time, at the time we met he had just finished a course of steroids.
he was great, caring and perfect for me. it went on like that untill he decided he was getting small again and started the next lot.
then about a week in to the steroids he started to ignore everything that seemed important to him before, we got through it and when he stopped things went back to normal, now hes started again and i feel like we are strangers again, i have no problem with him taking steroids all i ask is for him to be truithfull with me, and i trust what he says.
the other thing i have noticed is when hes not taking steroids hes very good in bed and satisfys me compleatly, when hes using roids i feel like hes just there to clean his nuts!
anyone got anything to help my understanding?
is it steroids causing this or just concidence?
or is he just a git that realy dont care?
he says that its not the roids.
plz help
thanx to all you who do!
no im female just havent had a chance to change the profile.
but thanx for your input its just the kick in the teeth i needed!
lol s'ok, gave me the incentive to change the profile.
im not sure as i dont realy take much notice i will post asap as to what, but dianabol or sustanon keep coming up in the convo, im just not sure what hes taking and what hes planning to try next hes also been talking about deca
thanx for replying!!
The best thing to do is be open and honest with him about how you feel. Steroids do not dictate your actions, you do that. Though some people note "harsher" steroids can make you more edgy for the most part "roid rage" is a myth or any excuse to act out.

As for the sex thing...steroids can make you very horny. I usually take this to my advantage and enjoy the benefits (for both partners). Tell him to get his act together.
thanx outlawtas2.
hes not angry though its more of a i dont care attitude, like hes only thinking of him self. then he stops and every thing goes back to normal maybe a week later. he dosent notice the change either.
Well, one thing you have to understand about people who lift seriously (I don't k now if he does, from the sounds of it he needs some cycling advice - in which case you should direct him to the forum) is that when we are focused on gaining, many things in our life take a backseat...some more than others.

When I'm seriously lifting I neglect my friends, family sometimes, I get very mad if I miss a workout. It's like anything else in life, when you are dedicated to something you might have to make sacrifices. But IMO that is no reason treat you poorly, besides maybe having less time because of training related stuff.
jay-lee said:
the other thing i have noticed is when hes not taking steroids hes very good in bed and satisfys me compleatly, when hes using roids i feel like hes just there to clean his nuts!

Dosent testosterone make anyone here last longer?
jay-lee said:
t went on like that untill he decided he was getting small again and started the next lot.
Sounds like he can't maintain size without the gear. A proper diet and training will fix this.

Is he dedicated to the gym both on and off cycle?
thanx for your input guys but he told me to fu*k off this morning ive only gort 8 weeks to drop his baby, i guess hes just a git!
Just as steroids have an androgenic effect on the rest of a human body it exerts an androgenic effect upon the central nervous system. What does this mean in plain english? it means that the steroids are stimulating neuropathways to change his behavior and thinking in directions of more manly ones.

There are of course other variables that influence the end-product of behavior, however there is an increased general androgenic effect that influences the disposition of the individual. Typically characterized in increased libido, higher self-perseverance, increased dominance, decreased fear etc

Please note that steroids are not a direct determinant in behavior thus, steroids->specific type of behavior

rather its a mediator for a large body of behavior thus,
steroids->altered attitudes,values,interests,disposition->increased likelihood of certain behavioral patterns/responses to given situations
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sounds like he is just being a arse, yes we all get crouchy while on for most of us tho it is more the fact that we also tighten up are diet a lot so the lack of all the nice things to eat does make most and me a miserable twat at times, your partner need to learn some self control.
Send him onto here so he can get some proper advice on how to use properly
my old lady hates my steroid use. i was an asshole during my first cycle. it didn't help having her friends telling her all kinds of bullshit. now i just watch my attitude and know that if i'm getting angry or frustrated, it's probably the steroids and that i better ease up. she acts like a bitch when i talk about going on another cycle but she'll get over it.

i have to clean my balls atleast once a day while i'm on cycle. i don't expect her to do that for me every time. buy him a good magazine and a bottle of lotion. if he wants to use steroids, he can take care of it himself.
Maybe he simply concentrates more on his training/eating/sleeping etc. on cycle, while neglecting other aspects of his life? If this is the case, he's just being self-centered I suppose.
jay-lee said:
thanx for your input guys but he told me to fu*k off this morning ive only gort 8 weeks to drop his baby, i guess hes just a git!
I would all the police and have him put into jail to get back at him, but that's just me.