Best 8 weeks cycle for cutting?


New member

I've always trained for years, but I only cared about strength gains and never really used a diet. I'm a 22 years old male. I am 176 cm tall and weight 230 LB with around 21% BF (I'm 'big boned' or whatever, most people give me 180 LB when they see me, no one ever guessed that I weight over 220+). I'm a hard gainer, and when I do gain weight, it hardly comes off. So, finally I decided to gear up for the sake of losing a few pounds.

I've read a lot of the stickies, threads and books, most of them refer to test as a solid first cycle.. however, it only kicks after 6 weaks. My goal is to use a cycle for 8 weeks, so a test cycle is probably not my best option right now. Why 8 weeks? I only have less than 9 weeks before I go back to university, so I can't use a longer than 8 weeks cycle. I'll probably use a longer cycle once I'm at university if this works well.

I have came around a bunch of articles, mostly suggesting Winnistrol, Anavar or Test (not all together) as compounds for your first cycle. Most of those cycles were 12 weeks. And like I said, I'm looking for a 8 weeks cycle.

Personally, I'm thinking of Anavar and Test cycle for 8 weeks since I'm planning to do quite a bit of cardio and would like to keep some of my strength (best case scenario, gain strength). However like I stated before, a lot of articles suggested that test only 'kicks in' after 6 weeks, so it's not optimal for an 8 weeks cycle.

I heard an Anavar, Winnstrol and Clenbeturl is a really good cycle for cutting. I'd probably ditch the Clen since I want to do cardio, and would not like to hear my heart beating while I'm running..

What are your suggestions? My apologies if I missed a similar thread, but I only posted here after a couple of weeks of searching and hesitating whether to use drugs or not.

I already got a supplier ready to provide me with whatever necessary, and I'd like to start as soon as possible.

Edit: I made a mistake by putting pounds instead of BF.

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Having seen no pictures, and seein that you've stated you've got about 30 lbs of fat on you, i would personally just try cut down naturally man. It would be a good time to get your diet on point so when the time does come for you do cycle, you'll be ready.

you only have 8 weeks, and the only way i see test working is if you used prop. you'll probably have some pip issues tho since you have virgin muscles+prop and the fact that you might be a bit shakey at first when pinning. I'm running prop now for the first time and i'm so glad i did a simple, brainless 12 week test-e cycle where i only pinned twice a week as my first cycle.

my .02 cents. i'm sure some vets will chime in.

good luck
why can't u just bring gear ur gear with u to university is it out of the country? also try to get ur exact bf% as that'll help us answer questions better in the future. other than that i agree with said above test e 12 wks for 1st cycle
@fliedlice, I'm sorry, it seems I made a mistake and put pounds.. I just measured my BF. Again, I'm sorry. I'd try to lose it without gear, but I'd like to fasten the results a bit if possible. Like I said, I'm a hard gainer, it took me 4 years of eating junk food and only training strength (1-5 rep heavy lifts)
to gain that 50 pounds. Everyone I know is like "man, if we eat half what you do, we will be twice as large as you..".

@bigkit34, I'm studying in another country, and I can't smuggle steriods, ya know.
If your "around" 21% bf that means your prolly higher...and if you only have 8 weeks then i wouldnt recommend any gear..wait till you have the proper amount of time where you can run your test from 10 to 14 need to drop your bf down before you use...waiting sucks but using inproperly is a waste..
that makes sense i wouldn't try to bring em out of the country either. clean that diet up and in a few months maybe you'll be ready to try something. good luck