best AS for cutting?

No AS are gonna rip of the fat!

But good gear for a diet:

Primobolan Depot
Test prop
Diet and cardio are the best for cutting!!

You can turn any cycle into bulking or cutting depending on you food intake!

Tren is said to be good for cutting because it doesnt make you retain water.

But Enanthat with Letrozole will do the same thing!

It is completely dependant on your Diet!
No steroid will help you lose fat, their role when cutting is simply to maintain muscle mass, while you use diet and cardio to drop the fat. Most people stick with gear that has a low conversion to estrogen so that they can avoid the water retention. But if you have liquidex/arimidex then you can basically use any steroid as part of a cutting cycle
needsize said:
No steroid will help you lose fat, their role when cutting is simply to maintain muscle mass, while you use diet and cardio to drop the fat. Most people stick with gear that has a low conversion to estrogen so that they can avoid the water retention. But if you have liquidex/arimidex then you can basically use any steroid as part of a cutting cycle
could not have said it better myself! props needsize, even though i don't really like you to much. :D
I don't know, I remember fonz or huck posting about how tren, Winstrol (winny), Anavar (var), and primo preserved muscle during dieting better b/c they worked better in an environment with low cellular energy, vesus some like that test that work better in an environment with a lot of cellular energy (eating big)

Is this practically applicable to BBers? Maybe, maybe not. If you take enough of anything with the right anti-e's it'll preserve your muscle, no one can really argue that. But some just may be more effective than others. But anyway you cut it your diet matters more than anything else during cutting.

All 17aa's seem to have benefits to reducing sub-q body fat.

Want my 2 cents though? Run lots of tren!! and maybe a little Winstrol (winny) towards the end if you can get it for cheap. Worry about your diet first, stimulants should be optional and not used until weight loss slows or you start getting lethargic and shitty feeling.

I don't thing it matters too much what you run if your just "getting lean" for yourself, the beach, whatever...Getting ready for a comp is a whole other ball game though.

damn I'm long winded tonight
If you can get legit primobolan, then that would be perfect for a cutting cycle. I like primo because you can repond well to it on a low cal diet. I have been thinking of primo/anavar for a cutting cycle for the summer.
tren being highly androgenic, more so than test mg per mg, is great for keeping muscle while cals are low. It is also somewhat anabolic, so u should be able to, like everyone said diet dependant, keep, or even gain some muscle, while losing fat mass
Wartime100 said:
If you can get legit primobolan, then that would be perfect for a cutting cycle. I like primo because you can repond well to it on a low cal diet. I have been thinking of primo/anavar for a cutting cycle for the summer.
This is a good stack.

Wartime100 said:
If you can get legit primobolan, then that would be perfect for a cutting cycle. I like primo because you can repond well to it on a low cal diet. I have been thinking of primo/anavar for a cutting cycle for the summer.

I have to agree, primo is my favorite for cutting. However, if it's one thing I learned, it's that "diet" is key.
The following AS & Supp. will help you stay lean and keep mass:
Doc Banner said:
I don't know, I remember fonz or huck posting about how tren, Winstrol (winny), Anavar (var), and primo preserved muscle during dieting better b/c they worked better in an environment with low cellular energy, vesus some like that test that work better in an environment with a lot of cellular energy (eating big)

Is this practically applicable to BBers? Maybe, maybe not. If you take enough of anything with the right anti-e's it'll preserve your muscle, no one can really argue that. But some just may be more effective than others. But anyway you cut it your diet matters more than anything else during cutting.

All 17aa's seem to have benefits to reducing sub-q body fat.

Want my 2 cents though? Run lots of tren!! and maybe a little Winstrol (winny) towards the end if you can get it for cheap. Worry about your diet first, stimulants should be optional and not used until weight loss slows or you start getting lethargic and shitty feeling.

I don't thing it matters too much what you run if your just "getting lean" for yourself, the beach, whatever...Getting ready for a comp is a whole other ball game though.

damn I'm long winded tonight

that was very well said Doc