Best Cutting Steriod???

best in what way? any steroid can be used while cutting

main purpose of using steroids in a cut is to help retain muscle while in a calorie deficit

obviously people will prefer the non/less aromatising gear in order to avoid water retention so they can see results and are able to do cardio
okay i see.. well i will be takin dbol for a month. and you are saying not to do cardio?? and why is that

cardio and diet is the most important during a cut which is why dbol isn't preferred

with dbol you're almost certain to hold moderate to a lot of water weight which will make cardio difficult and can also cause you to have shin splints, will make cardio painful

people have cut with low doses of dbol, but it shouldn't be the first choice imo

dbol is best used as a bulker
not dbol, drol, and other high water retention drugs. primo, masteron, Anavar (var) would do the trick. but diet and cardio more so than the drug.
with dbol you're almost certain to hold moderate to a lot of water weight which will make cardio difficult and can also cause you to have shin splints, will make cardio painful

okay thanks so what do you recommend for a cutting one?? i can basically get my hands on anything i want let me know.
Is this your first cycle by chance?

Give us your age? stats? and training history? and we'll take it from there

As the guy above have said, when cutting diet and training are more important than what gear you use. If it's your first cycle then you should only be doing Test E or C, but give us some more information first.
obviously people will prefer the non/less aromatising gear in order to avoid water retention so they can see results and are able to do cardio

Not only that but excessive aromatase activity leads to excessive estrogen which leads to unwanted fat storage.
I'd say Var/Tbol tren would be greta for cutting...along with an HRT dose of Test so as not to raise estrogen levels.

My current cycle is Tbol/Test and i'm shedding some good fat while gaining muscle mass but my diet is shit is everything!
So i'm fairly positive that TREN is the best steroid for that goal, it'll put good weight on you and cut you up at the same time, not to mention the strength is awesome too. A Test/Tren cycle is definetly the way to go.
prop + masteron + Anavar (var) = best cutting cycle ive ever ran and i've had alot of positive feedback from friends whove tested it aswell.