Best fat burner at 23% Body Fat - precycle diet and supplements / AAS


New member
Hi there!

First of all, I have an underlying thyroid problem called subclinical hypothyroidism which keeps my BMR and my metabolism very low.

So after I researched, before I take any strong AAS such as Test E, my plan is to go down to 15% BF at least, keeping a flawless diet and a very tough training plan before I take Test E, or a stronger AAS that causes aromatisation. Otherwise, I would have to struggle with high AI & E2 levels as my body fat is high at the moment, which wouldn't give me any effect at all. I've been doing ketosis diet before, and it works like a charm, but the feeling of tiredness and the weakness keeps me out of trying out this diet again, and moreover this diet would be catabolic too, as I would like to be training rather than just keeping in ketosis diet.

In order to increase my BMR, I am planning on taking T3, as it is one of the best cutting agents (specially for people with hypothyroidism), but I would like to stack it with a mild non AI AAS such as Anavar &/or Tren.

I've read that DNP (Dinitrophenol) is the best burner ever made, but no way I am gonna take this one as the LD50 is very close to the effective one, and there are permanent side effects like eye cataracts.

Excluding that element, what would be the best recommendation to take to burn BF?
The very best advice I can give you is to get a diet coach like 3j he can be found on this forum. I think you do not need a fat burner to get to 15% body fat and if you want to skip countless trial and error diets just go with a knowledgeable guy like 3j he will save you alot of time and stress. He might have certain recommendations on what fat burners to take with some of his diets to. I think if you go with a diet coach you will be learning life long diet lessons and also saving fat burners for when you really want to get to a lowerbody fat that requires fat burners.
You can't take anavar or tren without test. They will shut down your natural test. All aas does. That's why test is the base for all cycles.
The very best advice I can give you is to get a diet coach like 3j he can be found on this forum. I think you do not need a fat burner to get to 15% body fat and if you want to skip countless trial and error diets just go with a knowledgeable guy like 3j he will save you alot of time and stress. He might have certain recommendations on what fat burners to take with some of his diets to. I think if you go with a diet coach you will be learning life long diet lessons and also saving fat burners for when you really want to get to a lowerbody fat that requires fat burners.

Thanks, I have contacted him. Hope to start soon and to get good results following his advices
I'll probably get some flack for this but 20-30 minutes fasted cardio after a sermorelin shot in the AM coupled with a decent diet will get you ripped up
from my experience with dieting/trying to lean out for an extended period of time, which is what you'll have to do if you're at 23%, you eventually hit a wall and fat loss starts slowing down. THAT is when you start implementing fat burners. you've got some fat on you bro.. you know what that means? that your body is BEGGING you to lose weight. you could so easily lose 10 pounds of pure fat in only 4 weeks, assuming your diet is on point. good luck