Best liver products you guys can swear by ...


New member
Hey guys , im just wondering what you guys use or know of that are amazing liver support AND CLEANSE products . To be honest im looking more for the cleanse part and support as i have done my fair share of drinking and some anabolics + otc medication that i would love something realy good that may help me out . What can you guys recommend and suggest , thanks in advance
Nac milkthistle extract and cranberry juice is my go to it helped me I gave my kidneys and liver a flogging over the years
So Jimi your saying that UDCA would be better after the fact damage has been already done ? and TUDCA and UDCA im guessing are different things? both worth having ?
So Jimi your saying that UDCA would be better after the fact damage has been already done ? and TUDCA and UDCA im guessing are different things? both worth having ?

Thats my take and how I approach liver protection and treatment. I take NAC at 1200mgs/day on cycle to prevent elevated liver enzymes. If for some reason this does not keep my liver enzymes within a reasonable range (which has only occured twice) I refer to UDCA fto treat the condition. I take UDCA at 250mgs/day, some take 500mg/daay. Within 2 weeks my enzymes are back in check. When taking the udca I also continue the NAC BTW.
TUDCA is the supplement company version of UDCA. You see they couldnt legally sell UDCA as it is used in the hospital to treat acute liver damage caused by tylenol overdose. They added taurine to the compound, thus changing the acctual compound and were able to sell it. They even went so far aas to fund some sstudy trying to state it was better than udca but I dont buy that crap. Ill stick with what they use in the medical profession every time so I strictly use UDCA,
Question for everyone. Why is the liver the only thing everyone wants to protect. Liver is not the only organ subjected to damage. In theory rich pianas product Would protect and strengthen all organs from the damage of aas use and other causes.
Great info brother . thank you so much . Do you feel a difference when u use them at all or hard to really tell ?

Its hard to tell but I take NAC year round. Its just that off cycle I take it at just 600mgs/day. Its an amazing general health supplement in addition to its liver protecting properties. It converts to glutathione in the body which is likely the most powerful anti -oxidant there is. It does much more than just protect the liver. What Im saying is that because I use use NAC year round it would be hard to say I feel anything different you know?
Big_rich for me its not that im concerned with only my liver , but to me it is of greater concern because i have done my fair share of drinking and partying .. Ive had blood work done and everything else is in check . I havent checked my liver yet but im sure it of anything has taken the most abuse with little ltc yet , hence why im taking these precautions . liver enzyme result test coming in maybe next week
O OK gotca. I just see it alot most only look to take care of there liver but what about hmthe rest of your organs that take a hit right along with the liver just something for people to think about that's all.
I'v been using NAC from RUI. good stuff. UDCA seems great too but I've been using the NAC.

Yeah I get both my NAC and UDCA from rui. In fact now that I think about it I prob order more NAC from them than any other product since I run it year round, on or off cycle!