Best MRP out today


New member
Any opinions. I know I can make my own or buy protein powder in bulk, but I really enjoy the convenience of tearing open a good tasting MRP, blending it up, and downing it. I'm really concerned with quality and taste over price.
Its not going to make a whole lot of difference, just pick one from a reputable company with the macro profile youre looking for (some are higher fat, some are higher carb, some are pretty much all protein, etc).

Since youre concerned with quality and taste, I would definitely go with MyoMilk from TrueProtein - its got a great protein blend, plus MCT oil and maltodextrin - and sweeten it with a Premium flavor.

or you could design one to your specifications - that you it will be exactly what you want/need, will obviously be top quality, and with the premium flavors will rival just about anything on the market taste-wise. I would do MPI + maltodextrin + MCT powder in whatever ratios you determine. You could order 1 pound of like 10 flavors for variety.
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