Best Pre-Workout on the Market?


New member
I have been training for a while now and have never used supps or anything but a high protein diet and some friends of mine have convinced me to attempt a pre-workout sup to "boost my session". I've heard Jacked-3d is supposed to be good and another person swears by Hemo-Rage. Can I get a few opinions and maybe a recomendation from someone?
Noxipro is my personal favorite. In the end I think they are all about the same though. I get more of an "itch" from everything else I've tried.....Jacked,Craze, N2KTS
Bro Jack3D is legit!!!! Try it soon because they are gonna ban that and that is why I have a stockpile of it!!! has it clearances off.
Allmax m5. I use this and a mix with no extreme from cellucore. Allmax is the shit. I don't like to feel like a crack head in the gym. I remember jack3d used to b good back in the day. But when they changed the formula it became just a bunch of caffeine. That's not my style so I made the switch.
Hey bro just fyi if your not into stims. all of these are not for you. They all have shit in them that makes me feel like a had a heaping bowl of crack b4 I worked out. Personally I am on the hunt for a pre work out that does not focus on stims for the "pump" or "focus" but The best I have figured is to drink a energy drink ( i like amp sugar free) intra work out when I start to flat line it seems to pick me up for the last few exercises. I run a carb drink with bcaa's intra work out and recently I tried the energy drink thing and it seems to work well. Here is a article about craze , I had never heard of it so I looked it up this is the first thing that popped up lol

Driven Sports Craze LAWSUIT
N2BM N2Amp. Absolutely love this product. I have been using it on and off this past year. Great ENERGY and focus, and for me, the vascuarity is phenominal. Best vasucalrity out of any product I have used, and I have used most, LOL. Prior to using the amp, I was using N2KTS and really enjoyed that as well. When not using Amp, I have been using Powerchews Preworkouts. I really like these, they are very convienant to use, ie, dont have to mix and powder and dont need any drinks to swallow caps. etc, and I can stash them all over, ie car, home gymbag, etc. I get good energy and pumps from them so no complaints there..and might I say, the chews taste awesome. Some better then others, but all the way around, some of the best tasting supps I ever used minus protein drinks rtds etc..

N2AMp N2KTS and Powerchews Preworkouts are my top three favorite preworkouts of all time..Sj
Do most people use N2AMp and N2KTS together?? Lookin to switch my pre work out up and these look pretty promising