best way to cut 30-50 lbs in 30-60 days?? football player...need help!!!

krupt said:
1lb of fat is equivalent to 3500 cal. A person your size probably needs 3000-3500 cal to maintain your weight. Eat 1500 cal a day and you should be able to lose 3lbs of fat a week So from this, you could lose a 1lb every 2 days about. On top of that, take some type of fat burner...get thermorexin or something like that and drink a shiii load of water too.

He would lose a good bit of fat that way but being that he's 360lbs, dropping to prob half of his calories, he'd most likely lose a lot of muscle too. And say he does drop 3lbs a week (which is a lot) thats still only about 13lbs, not even half of what he needs to lose.
Vennom96 said:
He would lose a good bit of fat that way but being that he's 360lbs, dropping to prob half of his calories, he'd most likely lose a lot of muscle too. And say he does drop 3lbs a week (which is a lot) thats still only about 13lbs, not even half of what he needs to lose.

Not to mention that his metabolism would slow down like hell if it cut that cals too fast without cardio, and hinder fat loss.

like docJ said, if you are willing to make the sacrifice of the health for the pro scenario, a good dnp and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle along with a tight diet and cardio would put you near that.
tman55 said:
imo not good advice to be giving to a high school football player.

I don't think that's the right thing for him to do either Tman, however, if he wants to loose that much in only 2 months. There is no other way to do it, period. Things like that don't exist to a natty. BTW, I didn't realize he was still in high school.
nateman06 said:
I don't think that's the right thing for him to do either Tman, however, if he wants to loose that much in only 2 months. There is no other way to do it, period. Things like that don't exist to a natty. BTW, I didn't realize he was still in high school.

that's ok, not flaming you at all. he is smart to post here so he can get different opinions. i see where everyone is coming from, but i don't think dnp and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is the right answer even under his circumstances.
the only peroblem i can see with you loosing such a large amount of weight is the state your body is in by the time of your camp, you will have a huge drop in strength and will be very lathargic, surly these people are looking for potential and not pro's they are quite aware that they can speed up a big guy by making him drop a few pounds, they would rather see you their at the best form then a guy who is like lightning but without a ounce of tallent. dont kill yourself trying to drop such a huge amount, even dropping 10-15lb will make a huge difference in your speed. just my 2 cents
the only peroblem i can see with you loosing such a large amount of weight is the state your body is in by the time of your camp, you will have a huge drop in strength and will be very lathargic, surly these people are looking for potential and not pro's they are quite aware that they can speed up a big guy by making him drop a few pounds, they would rather see you their at the best form then a guy who is like lightning but without a ounce of tallent. dont kill yourself trying to drop such a huge amount, even dropping 10-15lb will make a huge difference in your speed. just my 2 cents

I agree. Do your best. Make sure you could perform at your best. If your gonna lose all that weight in such a short time, you'll kill your performance which seems to be the most important to them. If they see that your heavy but out perform everyone else, they'll just tell you to work on your weight. No biggy. Lose what you can and at a considerable rate. Don't over due it man. Best of Luck to you!
If youre new, DNP isnt for you. Remember, you fuck with it and you DIE, and its not a pleasant way to die at all. (Cooking from inside out). And yes, it can be used as rat poison. It can also be used as a TNT detonator.
vados said:
If youre new, DNP isnt for you. Remember, you fuck with it and you DIE, and its not a pleasant way to die at all. (Cooking from inside out). And yes, it can be used as rat poison. It can also be used as a TNT detonator.
WAY to over exagerate it there Vados. Scare tactics at its finest. Im not saying DNP cant kill you and wont if your a DUMBASS and over do it. I have personally done multiple DNP cycles aswell as many friends of mine and yes the sides suck but seriously thats like saying. Dont drink alcohol cuz it will fuckin kill you man. Yes alcohol can kill you if, like I said your a DUMBASS and over do it.
Get a book called the Metabolic diet and try to eat 30 or less carbs per day. Start off with a lower fat intake than suggested. He says to gradually eat less fat (if I remember correctly).

Anyways, the low carb diet while cycling ephedra / clen + hard workouts and high intensity cardio will give you the best results without venturing out into gear.
Popichulo said:
WAY to over exagerate it there Vados. Scare tactics at its finest. Im not saying DNP cant kill you and wont if your a DUMBASS and over do it. I have personally done multiple DNP cycles aswell as many friends of mine and yes the sides suck but seriously thats like saying. Dont drink alcohol cuz it will fuckin kill you man. Yes alcohol can kill you if, like I said your a DUMBASS and over do it.

Probably but still, better to be safe than sorry eh? Picture this scenario : Someone gets his DNP in powder form. Hes going to cap it, and does it with a mentality of "oh 100 mg here 100 mg there doesnt really matter" kind of thing. And ends up taking not 400 mg but 800 or more. What do you think will happen to him ? :).

And there are worse things that could happen. Ive heard of newbies shooting 50 ml of 250 mg/ml test at once just because they thought 1 ml= 1 mg. While you cant really die or get any really serious side effects with AAS, you can with DNP. I really think you should consider it only if you know exactly what to do and what not to do, and not just from some dumbass friend, but from a reliable source of information - like this site.
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Hire a trainer..... Get a good diet on a good workoutprogram (for weight loss). I wrestle about 6 months out of the year and losing that much weight in that short of time is going to fuck your world up, don't do it, your going to be losing way to much muscle. and if it goes off quick, guess what, its probably going to come back quick and maybe even more.

Do it right and try to lose maybe 20 lbs in 2 months? 20lbs off you will help a ton and if they scouts realize you are still going down then you will be better off than trying to cut all the weight out right away.
Just a little update, over the last couple weeks I've been able to get down to 340-343 with alot of intense cardio and short rest between reps in the weight room and a strict diet. I was got some Clen and T3 to see if it does anything for me. I was wondering if the dosages should be any higher due to my very large size. 6'6" 340 currently...
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vados said:
Probably but still, better to be safe than sorry eh? Picture this scenario : Someone gets his DNP in powder form. Hes going to cap it, and does it with a mentality of "oh 100 mg here 100 mg there doesnt really matter" kind of thing. And ends up taking not 400 mg but 800 or more. What do you think will happen to him ? :).

And there are worse things that could happen. Ive heard of newbies shooting 50 ml of 250 mg/ml test at once just because they thought 1 ml= 1 mg. While you cant really die or get any really serious side effects with AAS, you can with DNP. I really think you should consider it only if you know exactly what to do and what not to do, and not just from some dumbass friend, but from a reliable source of information - like this site.
Understood but thats a perfect example of a ..................................COMPLETE MORON!!!!!!!! who shouldnt be touching Gear or DNP in the first place thats like saying of Im gonna go snort a line of coke ....."What do you mean the line wasnt suppsed to be a foot long?" gee now if I overdose is that the cokes fault ???NO Im the fuckin idiot that didnt know what the fuck I was doing.
I say dont sweat it

with that height - the scouts will overlook the extra weight especially if you are a solid 360. Theyll look at your strength, your size, and know that with their strength and conditioning coaches (they get paid "big" bucks to do this)and programs, theyll get you down a bit. i say dont worry about losing a large amount of weight in this short time, but shape up your diet, continue to train your ass off, and show them that bigger is better with the little time you have. If you got skills, offers will be from handfuls of big schools. 6'6 350 plus doesnt come around that often. Enhance what you have, dont drastically change it.

Good luck and geaux play for the Tigers of LSU...
Which numbers? I've been hesitant to step back on the scale so hopefully I'm in the 330's. But if your talking about lifts, not too great. My one rep max for bench is about 350. I guess its ok for my age but its not good for my size. I think my long arms have made bench much harder for me. I'm squatting 520 for sets. And I'm just getting into deadlifts as I save money to get some training from pullinbig.
needtolosequick said:
Which numbers? I've been hesitant to step back on the scale so hopefully I'm in the 330's. But if your talking about lifts, not too great. My one rep max for bench is about 350. I guess its ok for my age but its not good for my size. I think my long arms have made bench much harder for me. I'm squatting 520 for sets. And I'm just getting into deadlifts as I save money to get some training from pullinbig.

Yeah I feel you on the long arms. PB will definitely get you moving in the right direction.
Your lifts are going to be important when you are going to camps. If you are losing strength then I'd back off of losing weight. I'd concentrate on running the 40 and adding some weight to your lifts. Crash dieting now will only make you weaker and slower. They don't care what you look like or what your body fat % is, they care how you perform.