Best way to get EQ out of bag


New member
I'm going to take a 2nd crack at making my own EQ. As you can see from the prior post, it didn't go so well the first time. But, with the advice I received, I hoping things will be differnt. Chem class was a long time ago. What the best way to get EQ from the bag? I had 20g with the last one and wound up with about 14g-16g. This time I have 100g. I cut the corner of the bag with some scissors a let it drain, but there was a lot of waste. Thanks.
put it oven on very low heat and set it up so it will drain into a container. most of it will drain out. there is always gonna be a little waste with stuff like eq and deca.
pullinbig said:
put it oven on very low heat and set it up so it will drain into a container. most of it will drain out. there is always gonna be a little waste with stuff like eq and deca.

Please don't put the ziplock bag in your oven............I can see your next post as "Damn....melted plastic in oven....stunk up my whole house!" LOL!

Just cut out a small part of the corner of the bag, and use your fingers to squeeze the EQ out the hole into a vial. Just keep working it down with your fingers like you are squeezing toothpaste out of the tube.
gotta chime in here

more and more I see people putting so much time and effort into getting powder or liquid substances into tiny little holes in the tops of vials. If you are using an unsealed vial, it is not sterile, so quite trying to make the little hole work. pour into a nice glass measuring cup or beaker, and then add solvents and oil. you are going to filter and bake the product anyway.

As for the eq, cut a decent size corner hole (about 1") and let whatever wants to come out into the beaker or measuring cup.

Then lay the bag over a firm flat surface like a cutting board with the corner of the bag just over the edge. Then get out your ID or a credit card and scrape the remainder into the beaker. viola, < 1g of waste.

Have a good day!
Mr.T said:
Please don't put the ziplock bag in your oven............I can see your next post as "Damn....melted plastic in oven....stunk up my whole house!" LOL!

Just cut out a small part of the corner of the bag, and use your fingers to squeeze the EQ out the hole into a vial. Just keep working it down with your fingers like you are squeezing toothpaste out of the tube.

now Mr. T you know i said very low heat. i wouldnt sabatage the poor guy on his second attempt. :D sides that undecyclenate ester smells bad already. tastes bad too if you hit a vein. no need for me too stinky up his whole neighborhood. I'll be honest with yall though. the only thing eq does for me is make me hungry as hell. i know its easy to make but there are better alternatives in my opinion. but hey thats my .02 which dont add up to much. :cool:
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as far as I know I love eq. I ran it as the primary anabolic last 2 cycles so I don't know much better. I will be running np as my main anabolic next time, so will have something to compare the eq to other than test.
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Here is what I did and I got most of my EQ out of the bag.

I warmed up a pot of hot water and placed the bag of EQ in the water. The water was hot, but not hot enough to ruin the bag the EQ was in.

This caused the EQ to get even runnier and this made it a lot easier to squeeze out of the bag. When I got the the end of the EQ, I got a ruler and tried to force as much of the remaining powder out of the bag. I placed the bag on the table and ran the ruler down the bag forcing the EQ to the hole at the bottem.
ld50 said:
as far as I know I love eq. I ran it as the primary anabolic last 2 cycles so I don't know much better. I will be running np as my main anabolic next time, so will have something to compare the eq to other than test.

i guess np = nandrolone prop? i love any kind of 19nor dirivative. tren is the best thing out there because of its flexability for cutting or bulking. very similar to gh in that regards but a lot cheaper. i alway slike to make test the base for any cycle and build from there. tren and deca is a great combo but you need some test with that because the boys will quit on ya. lololol

i know i am gonna here "dont do tren and deca together unless you want gyno". here's my view and experince on that . you can do a gram of deca a week or a gram of tren a week but youll get better results from 500mg of each a week. it will not shut down as bad and with ana and Winstrol (winny) included almost all sides can be avoided at this dosage. great strength stack with long lasting results after administration is stopped.

i am not a fan of dbol, anadrol and the likes because of the huge let down coming off. they are fine for competetive lifters the last few weeks before a meet but for the average gym rat Winstrol (winny) tren eq deca test and gh will give slower results but longer lasting results. with far less sides. thats why a lot of folks dont come off. may take a week or two off here and there but other than that stay on year around. :D
correct, i should have put "npp"

I have tossed the idea around of combining tren and npp together next time but i promised myself i would do 1 complete cycle without adding tren.

i know tren is great for lowering cortisol and increasing igf-1. maybe I can get around it by taking some of that new Cortislim along with igf-1

I wonder if that Cortislim actually does what it is supposed to?
I have heard a lot about it but have not talked with anyone who has tried it.

as far as tren goes i usually flip flop between dros and tren. they have very similar results. both great hormones.