best way to use clen

2 weeks on then 2 weeks off. Some people taper up to 120mcg/ED while others I know go up to 200mcg. It all depends on how you handle it and how shaky you feel. You can use NYC or any other caffeine/ephedrine stack on the "off" weeks.

Check out the articles forum. I'm guessing Lawnsaver may have posted a good article over there but I haven't checked yet.
Take it with Ketotifen, it would clean your receptors allowing you to stay on for a longer time. But that shit makes me hungry as hell, so I would take it before bed.
rollercoaster said:
Take it with Ketotifen, it would clean your receptors allowing you to stay on for a longer time. But that shit makes me hungry as hell, so I would take it before bed.

Where do you get Ketotifen??
I was reading somewhere the other day that it was better to do 1 week on and 1 week off. I can't remember where I was reading that though.
after 4 cycles of clen, it seems that a strong ECA, like Satcker 2, or Clenbutrx does more for me than 180mcg of clen
For ketotifen I just got IP's "superclen" which has it mixed into the tabs. His clen is a good deal IMO.

I can only take ketotifen at night since it knocks me out and makes me hungry.
I don't believe any of the new "superclen" (200mcg per tab) contains ketotifen...I'm pretty sure that was phased out a few months back.

Unless he's brought it back, I haven't seen the china list in a long time.

Heyyo said:
LOL, the post says, written by Andy13...the actually author is BigAndy69

You know, I thought that too but was too lazy to go over to Elite to check.

Where is that homo? I'm about to make fun of him BIG TIME over on Elite.
Yeah that BigAndy post was pretty good. I was thinking of doing 4 weeks straight of clen at low doses. What do u think felles? But I am still researching I have about a month or so.