Bexal needs some help!!!!!!!


New member
Alright guys need some help. Is this legit Test E Bexal
lot # B17257
exp. 8-2012

So here is the help I need or suggestions.
test e 250 mg m 250 mg thurs 1-12
liquid dbol 40 mg ed 1-4
letro .25 ed

pct Nolva

I have only pinned three times so far.
M-TH-M in the buttocks
1st pin had swelling, more than I am used to. 2nd pin was much better and more of what I was used to. 3rd pin was good but as of today it has swelled and is hard with excrutiating pain in the site. I have read the posts on checking for infection. Yes I have clean needles and use cleanliness. Could it be that I am allergic to this brand, or something you veterans have seen before. I have to pin Thurs. should I try the delts or quads? My "guy" said to tough thru it, and try the other vial and see if that helps, he is using the same stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And thanks to those who have given me suggestions. I figure the more input the better. Thanks again.
i have the same kind, except mine has a more goldish tint, however i took only 1 shot in my shoulder.... and i got infected. went to the docs, said i got a flu shot, now im on 2 weeks of clindamycin 2cents
the real bexal has a hologram and does not have pink writting......but bexal is very good stuff if you run across the real deal,i loved it....hate to hear that, but now you now what to look for next time you find bexal gear...goodluck
mine looks way diff than yours,oil diff color, cap,printining, her is the real deal...hope this helps.
Its good bro same as trophytaker just a new bottle and cap. He changed his bottles and caps awhile back. He also never had a hologram so dont know where trophytaker gets that from cause his doesnt have a hologram on it ether. Bex makes his gear with EO and some people react differently to it. Anyways your bex is the real deal bro.
