Charles Bronson
old timey gentleman
you in the camaro?
lol ive seen it too many timesyou in the camaro?
Yeah I've never done dumbell incline, or dumbell shoulder press cuz it scares me. Something about tossing the bells from my knees to my chest/shoulders I can't do. It just seems like i can injure myself easily in that position
Thanks dude. If I actually dieted I could look much better...
Its all good brah...I really was trying to like you, until now
that and most gyms don't have heavy enough DBs for strong lifters...
I used to do DB presss as my second exercise and then found I could knock out 4x10 at 50kgs each hand and that was as far as I could I just have to do DB flys as my DB work..
I recently came off cycle and I'm back down to my regular weight. Just wondering what u guys thought I was at bf% wise...? thanks
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Yeah you can go by the rule of thumb that typically anything that makes it "harder" to do, is usually better. I find DB press to be alot harder than normal press so there lies your answer. But in the end, bench press is just one of those things that I feel I HAVE to do. My mind tells me if I dont do them im not gonna look right.Just my opinion... but if you can't make 50kg dumbells feel heavier by clever training and pre-exhaustion work... then there's something missing in your plan.
Dumbells are the biggest player in pec development, and the dumbell press should be a staple in your chest workouts over barbell every time due to the increased range of movement they offer.
I suggest you look into 'time under tension' work, 'rest-pause' sets, 'escalation' training etc rather than just picking up a heavy weght and banging out as many reps as you can.
Just my opinion, but I've learnt the hard way and like to share the wealth.
EDIT: Apologies, but I'm presuming you are lifting for muscle, not strength - if I presumed wrong, I apologise.
Yeah you can go by the rule of thumb that typically anything that makes it "harder" to do, is usually better. I find DB press to be alot harder than normal press so there lies your answer. But in the end, bench press is just one of those things that I feel I HAVE to do. My mind tells me if I dont do them im not gonna look right.
Though many people dont even do the big 3 anymore(deadlift/squat/bench)... They say now days that u dont need it at all. I'm skeptical though... I've always gone by one method really, "If u can do more than 12, u dont have enough weight. If u cant do atleast 8, u have too much weight." I've been living by that forever.
How often do you cycle man?