BigFreak is entering the boards..


New member
Have done a little cycle LONG time ago.. this pic is before the new one..

Some history:
Returned from a lower back hernia previous year, total training is about 13 years..
Starting weight was about 73 kg's with 20 % BF.. now is 103 kg's with 12 % BF.

Some more information :)

I already was interested in bodybuilding and muscle when i understood as little kid what television was. I always liked characters like He-man, Terminator etc etc. I always mentioned my mother that i wanted such big arms to :)

I began training when i was about 21 years old, finally had the money to get to the gym..
Now 34, and still working my ass of to get any bigger.

Best bodypart: Shoulders and arms
Worst bodypart: Pecs.
Favorite bodypart to workout: Legs
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