Bigging up

125lbs decline dumbbell presses isnt good? May I ask what you are pushing?
I don't see anyone at the gym my size doing more... I'm sure it's done but 250lbs decline is decent as far as I'm concerned.

And to clarify further: the dbol and insulin finished almost two weeks ago. Eq has about two-three weeks left.
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125lbs decline dumbbell presses isnt good? May I ask what you are pushing?
I don't see anyone at the gym my size doing more... I'm sure it's done but 250lbs decline is decent as far as I'm concerned.

And to clarify further: the dbol and insulin finished almost two weeks ago. Eq has about two-three weeks left.

sorry, thought you meant BB presses. Either way, what are you doing taking Insulin. Much less all that other shit for a first cycle. Like i said, you coulda had ALOT of natty growth left on that small frame before you went rogue on every steroid you could get your hands on.
dude you don't need half of that gear. It's just wasted. How old are you? did you know you can die every time you use insulin if you don't use it propperly. Why would you o this to your body. Your not going to be getting on stage at the olympia. Why not learn how these drug can be used safely so we don't read about you on the news.
OK, so here's what I have gathered based on your posts.

Week 1-4 Dbol 30mg/d (except one day you did 40mg)
Week 1-4 Slin 15iu PWO ED
Week 1-8 EQ 600mg/w
Week 5-? Test Cyp 500mg/w (which you felt the next day :rolleyes:)
Week 5-13 Tren Ace 50mg ED

Sorry dude, but that is the ugliest cycle I have seen in a while. Whoever is leading you in the gym is a fucking retard.

To all the guys keeping up with this thread. This is a primary example of what NOT to do for your first cycle, hell, any cycle for that matter... and what doing absolutely NO research and listening to some juice monkey in the gym will get you.

Good luck little fella. lol
OK, so here's what I have gathered based on your posts.

Week 1-4 Dbol 30mg/d (except one day you did 40mg)
Week 1-4 Slin 15iu PWO ED
Week 1-8 EQ 600mg/w
Week 5-? Test Cyp 500mg/w (which you felt the next day :rolleyes:)
Week 5-13 Tren Ace 50mg ED

Sorry dude, but that is the ugliest cycle I have seen in a while. Whoever is leading you in the gym is a fucking retard.

To all the guys keeping up with this thread. This is a primary example of what NOT to do for your first cycle, hell, any cycle for that matter... and what doing absolutely NO research and listening to some juice monkey in the gym will get you.

Good luck little fella. lol

Hey buddy - prolly hard to read this criticism, but IMO - it's right on. Especially for a first cycle - you'll never be able to figure out how your body reacts to the different compounds.

And you won't like this, but i think you'd be better off spending your money on a bodybuilding diet coach and food instead of AAS. you have a tone of natty test at your age and should make use of that..

having said all that make sure when you go off you do the post cycle therapy (pct) 'cuse I'll bet your nuts have shiut down and you want them to step up to the plate when you are not injecting Test!

Good luck bro - I hope you take this all as a learning experience, not some assholes criticizing your actions for no reason.