blakeys yk-11 log sarm search sponsored

Cool brutha, I would like to include masteron in my next cycle but damn is it expensive! Already spent a decent Lil chunk on dbol,test p, Npp, test e, Deca

Yeah it starts adding up quick lol I wouldn't mind trying a bit of mast haven't tried it yet
Day 31
Last day bottles empty dosed 10mg at lunchtime
Diet was as standard
So my opinion of the yk is its definitely one of the strongest Sarms if not the strongest Sarm I've used this far Defnitly great strength gains nice fullness
I think this Sarm could be used in a bulk or a cut
Defnitly a great product from Sarm search and I would be more than happy to run yk again
Workout was short and sweet
Rows bent over 5 sets various reps
Seated rows 5 sets various reps
Haney shurgs 5 sets various reps
Preacher curls 5 sets various reps
Skull crushes 5 sets various reps
That's it guys logs finished since starting I've put on
About 6 pounds I'll post up a few pictures soon
As for issues with connective tissue I've got a great deal if injuries to tendons bones ect so it's fair to say if it was going to effect these in any way I would be the ideal person to feel the negative effects but luckily for me there were none at all everything was fine nothing to speak of what so ever
As for stamina it's only increased since using the yk and no lethargy at all probably the opposite.
It's probably my new favorite Sarm I don't think I would run any others as this surpassed them in everyway Im Defnitly going to run it again as a standalone and log that the only bad thing about this run is its now coming to an end and I think it needs to be run for at least 60 days 1 bottle wasn't enough

Most excellent, thanks!!!!!
I would say you could use it as both like test but if I had to pick one It would be bulk I definitely think it's stronger than lgd

That's weird....Everything I have ever heard about lgd is that it's the most powerful of all the sarms...and many do not like the yk11. Maybe you didn't get a good batch of lgd. who knows...Your the first person i have ever heard say they didn't notice anything from it.....
That's weird....Everything I have ever heard about lgd is that it's the most powerful of all the sarms...and many do not like the yk11. Maybe you didn't get a good batch of lgd. who knows...Your the first person i have ever heard say they didn't notice anything from it.....

I didn't say I didn't notice anything from lgd and I've ran multiple different brands of lgd
And as for people saying they prefer lgd over yk I don't know were you got this info
As I've only ever seen my log on yk no others peoples may say that lgd is the strongest sarm it's been around longer than yk osta was the strongest then lgd came along now yk has joined the party
YK11 and LGD work in vastly different ways. YK11 is a myostatin inhibitor, so running it in conjunction with LGD should yield AMAZING results - especially if you are also taking Testosterone to mitigate the effects of shutdown from LGD.

Make sure you always do PCT after using LGD. The test studies which showed it was highly suppressive did not and everyone recovered naturally and fully - but why risk it?
YK11 and LGD work in vastly different ways. YK11 is a myostatin inhibitor, so running it in conjunction with LGD should yield AMAZING results - especially if you are also taking Testosterone to mitigate the effects of shutdown from LGD.

Make sure you always do PCT after using LGD. The test studies which showed it was highly suppressive did not and everyone recovered naturally and fully - but why risk it?
Yk isn't just a myo inhibitor it has a lot of other muscle building properties being a myo in is just a bonus