Blasting and cruising. Extremely low energy back on cruise, feels like im off


New member
So just finished a 18 week blast, first 10 was just test at 750mg, last 8 was lower test (350/w) and tren at 120 eod + 40mg dbol last 4 weeks then went on my cruise trt dose at 200mg test as usual. But within the first week off cruising my energy levels just dropped, headaches, sex drive next to nothing and honestly feels like i went off cold turkey. I know my test is real since it's the same i used during the blast. What could it be?

No trt protocol will quarantee a crash may not occur as you back off a relatively healthily dosed CYCLE. Blast s on trt or in the minefield are short in duration. I will take a shot of your demise.
40 mg dbol had you feeling friggin great did it not ? It s my (and Arnolds) fav anti depressant.
Welcome...but...Tell us more about you please.
This walking into the E R and giving the staff nothing other than a malady and history of action to work with is getting pandemic..

years training
cycles run
why on trt
Bought to create an application for services to crash thru before tapping us out.
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Hi! And thanks for replying. I've mostly been a lurker on this forum.
Well, the dbol didn't do much for my well being. But ofc, it makes you feel great in the gym.

Oh yeah, ofc i should have included this, brain fog you know.
Age:late 20s
Height: 182cm
Weight 235lbs
Been training for 6 years
Cycles run before blasting and cruising 3 i think. Been blasting and cruising for about a year, 3 blasts varying from 6,8 and 18 weeks.
Why on trt? Honestly because it felt right. I get more sides from the PCT drugs than tren and anadrol lol. I had no problem with the idea of staying on and in that case it seems like the healthier choice not going up and down all the time. I made the descision after being hospitalized loosing nearly 30lb of muscle. I also do powerlifting and strongman, makes more sense for my sport as strength takes the biggest hit for me going off completely.

Also, i forgot to mention, i was on 0.25 arimidex during the blast and stopped it a few days after my last dbol, because i've never needed it on trt dose and are not prone at all to gyno or anything like that. No hcg, ever
Hi! And thanks for replying. I've mostly been a lurker on this forum.
Well, the dbol didn't do much for my well being. But ofc, it makes you feel great in the gym.

Oh yeah, ofc i should have included this, brain fog you know.
Age:late 20s
Height: 182cm
Weight 235lbs
Been training for 6 years
Cycles run before blasting and cruising 3 i think. Been blasting and cruising for about a year, 3 blasts varying from 6,8 and 18 weeks.
Why on trt? Honestly because it felt right. I get more sides from the PCT drugs than tren and anadrol lol. I had no problem with the idea of staying on and in that case it seems like the healthier choice not going up and down all the time. I made the descision after being hospitalized loosing nearly 30lb of muscle. I also do powerlifting and strongman, makes more sense for my sport as strength takes the biggest hit for me going off completely.

Also, i forgot to mention, i was on 0.25 arimidex during the blast and stopped it a few days after my last dbol, because i've never needed it on trt dose and are not prone at all to gyno or anything like that. No hcg, ever

You realize if you were using a long ester to blast (E, C, etc..) you are going to need to keep running your AI protocol for awhile. it takes time for your blood concentration to come down. Sounds like a rebound of your estro which is now high.
Could be but i kinda doubt it, i've gone up to 750 test without needing any type of ai, also my test was only 350 before going down to 200. Sex drive been fine, no nipple sensitivity, no high blood pressure at 750 without ai. I've ordered an AI but i think i've been stood up, im out of my last stock now. Got some nolva, worth a try? I realize that does nothing to lower estrogen if it's really that. If its estro should come down even without an ai in a few weeks tho right?
So just finished a 18 week blast, first 10 was just test at 750mg, last 8 was lower test (350/w) and tren at 120 eod + 40mg dbol last 4 weeks then went on my cruise trt dose at 200mg test as usual. But within the first week off cruising my energy levels just dropped, headaches, sex drive next to nothing and honestly feels like i went off cold turkey. I know my test is real since it's the same i used during the blast. What could it be?


You just came off an 18 week blast,don't expect to feel like a spring chicken.. allow your system to adjust,and have a system restart, your sympathetic nervous system needs to regroup..There was a shit ton of complex interactions taking place,now your expecting your system to return within normal functions in the ranges that you're used to you? allow ample time for your nervous system and endo to find homeostatis..18 weeks wasn't no fast blast, so expect some sort of trade off, expect this when going full speed none stop for 18 weeks..

Get bloods, see where you're at, drink fluids, and get a shit ton of carbs.. Carbs are fucking magical for recovery..especially for the CNS after such a long ass blast like you did..

Get bloods, because other wise we're merely speculating on the cause and effect here.. Also, maybe 18 weeks and tailoring a blast with tren/dbol is no longer your thing.. if your protocol and compounds greatly effect your well being, then revamp your protocol and compounds, especially your timing!

I to also use the inaccurate indicator of touching nips,its not reliable and in fact its not effective, but its a great indicator that shit can spiral out of control.. However this doesn't mean you have a low estro level (I do this because im sensitive, like super,again its a poor method)

I would begin yo speculate that you have slightly elevated e2 levels,but again, bloods will express the nature of this..

get some more carbs in, and get on some DHEA in the time being..Ride this out and see what happens.. if you can do 18 weeks, then you can ride out 2 more.. Just saying
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You still need to adjust to a lower test level. Coming off dbol is never enjoyable. I always loss some strength.
same thing happened to me, only i was stupid and waited 2 months to get bloodwork. i was cruising at "175mg" a week but my test came back around 380ng/dl
lol 750mg maybe put me at a normal level. I did get good gains tho. No but i was cruising before upping the dose, with another brand tho and i clearly experience a differance.
Ok so things are getting better. So the first 2 weeks back on cruise i dropped about 5 pounds while eating the same then it stopped there, this is where the energy and libido was REALLY bad. Now a week later i got my energy back and ok libido. I threw in some arimidex 5 days ago and since i've dropped another 3 pounds of water so im guessing it's working. I got alittle sceptical about the arimidex tho as they came in caps but since i dropped some water and made energy + libido improvements they probably work right? Or could be i've just naturally got rid of the potential estrogen rebound?
Somebody beat me to it . Underdosed . I've seen test 400 from a lab come back so low it was basically a trt dose @ 800 weekly . Just because you felt good on some test doesn't mean shit . Even if it's underdosed it's adding test to your system . Hence the "feeling" . But really no AI at 750 , I would take a double take on that test. I'm running top of the line gear right now and guess what bloods got pulled at 9:45 . Gotta keep em on their toes.