So just finished a 18 week blast, first 10 was just test at 750mg, last 8 was lower test (350/w) and tren at 120 eod + 40mg dbol last 4 weeks then went on my cruise trt dose at 200mg test as usual. But within the first week off cruising my energy levels just dropped, headaches, sex drive next to nothing and honestly feels like i went off cold turkey. I know my test is real since it's the same i used during the blast. What could it be?
You just came off an 18 week blast,don't expect to feel like a spring chicken.. allow your system to adjust,and have a system restart, your sympathetic nervous system needs to regroup..There was a shit ton of complex interactions taking place,now your expecting your system to return within normal functions in the ranges that you're used to you? allow ample time for your nervous system and endo to find homeostatis..18 weeks wasn't no fast blast, so expect some sort of trade off, expect this when going full speed none stop for 18 weeks..
Get bloods, see where you're at, drink fluids, and get a shit ton of carbs.. Carbs are fucking magical for recovery..especially for the CNS after such a long ass blast like you did..
Get bloods, because other wise we're merely speculating on the cause and effect here.. Also, maybe 18 weeks and tailoring a blast with tren/dbol is no longer your thing.. if your protocol and compounds greatly effect your well being, then revamp your protocol and compounds, especially your timing!
I to also use the inaccurate indicator of touching nips,its not reliable and in fact its not effective, but its a great indicator that shit can spiral out of control.. However this doesn't mean you have a low estro level (I do this because im sensitive, like super,again its a poor method)
I would begin yo speculate that you have slightly elevated e2 levels,but again, bloods will express the nature of this..
get some more carbs in, and get on some DHEA in the time being..Ride this out and see what happens.. if you can do 18 weeks, then you can ride out 2 more.. Just saying