

New member
This might sound like a strange question but have any of you experienced bleeding from the ass while on cycle.

I know not a nice question but since ive been taking oxys ive had bad back pain and the bleeding has become quite extreme. It only occurs when having a shit.

Im booked in to have liver values and blood pressure taken on monday

Would appreciate any feedback
If blood is in your shit go to the docs, if its coming out your ass then it might be a bleeding roid. start eating Prunes.
If the blood is thick and dark colored, it may be a sign of liver damage. GO TO THE DOC, BROTHA!!!
I get bright red blood on the paper and pain when I sI shit from time to time whether on or off. It's said if it's dark and in your shit then your in trouble. My bllodd is straight from the bunghole.
sounds like a hemmroid from your description. if they get unbearable you can have them surgically removed, but I've heard the surgery is worse than the problems.
YEs. Imagine a coke bottle jammed in your ass. Having your ass cut up and then having to shit.

My buddy had it done and was on a liquid diet and baby wipes for about a month.
it could be an ulcer. My buddy, had blood in his shit while he was on and after tests they found out he had an ulcer in his colon.
Its probably a hemroid. I can only use wet wipes now no more toliet paper for me. Go to the doc though just to be sure!
roccodart440 said:
The color of the bloood is a determining factor in the inital diagnosis.

My blood is kinda dark. Does that mean My liver is pounded? I got of 6 weeks of Winstrol (winny) could that be it?
Dark blood might not mean your liver is fucked up. Your colon could be irritated to. When my hemmriods flare up the blood is usually light So you need to go to the doctor ASAP!