Blood Test Online Sites- Which are cheapest and best?


New member
Hi Guys

I am trying to get total and free T, estradiol, CBC,CMP and DHEA tested. Have checked the life extension lab site and personal labs but they seem expensive. A friend told me about Has anyone used them.

Thanks for your input,guys.
See my signature line below. Also look for the sticky thread called Ology FAQs in this forum. That has more info.
I have been using these guys since I compared a few to them and they are cheaper

It doesn't seem cheaper. They don't have anything that compares in price to the Hormone Panel for Females that the two in my signature have.
Privatemdlabs is SOLID. I have used them several times and gotten my results by mid day the following day!

I may try labsmd next time if I'm blasting to get TT results over 1500. Otherwise for TRT privatemdlabs is top shelf.

*** this is obviously for anyone viewing the thread who may be looking for good online lab. OP is obviously marketing.
Privatemdlabs is SOLID. I have used them several times and gotten my results by mid day the following day!

I may try labsmd next time if I'm blasting to get TT results over 1500. Otherwise for TRT privatemdlabs is top shelf.

*** this is obviously for anyone viewing the thread who may be looking for good online lab. OP is obviously marketing.

Private labs md gives blood levels over 1500 on the female hormonal panel. Which panel are you using?
Private labs md gives blood levels over 1500 on the female hormonal panel. Which panel are you using?

Check again... actual levels over 1500 requires the "Testosterone, Total - Women, Children, and Hypogonadal Males, LC/MS-MS" test from privatemdlabs
Private labs md gives blood levels over 1500 on the female hormonal panel. Which panel are you using?

Female while on TRT cruise. I did female last time on blast and of course it read over 1500. That's why I was thinking I would try labsmd next time if I blast etc. Otherwise I stay in Mid 800s TT So no worries. Just looking for e2, HCT, Hb etc