bloods eyes needed


New member
Total test 36.7 normal range the charts which is good
SHBG 6..normal range 17-66
Free test 1416...normal 170-500
LH is less than one..normal 2-8
I assumed E2 would come with result but didnt..can anyone shed light on LH...Im from Australia so unit s may be different to usa.
p.s im test prop 100-150mg eod
AI 25mg/day
Im 8 weeks in.
What exactly is your question?

LH should be pretty much zero, your on cycle. Low LH signifies shutdown, your brains not telling your balls to make test anymore coz theres already so much of it in your body from the vial.
Also is this your first/second/xxx cycle? I'm assuming your using Aromasin as your AI, but why is it dosed so high? Normally 12.5mg/day is sufficient. Would be good if we knew were your e2 was at.
Total test 36.7 normal range the charts which is good
SHBG 6..normal range 17-66
Free test 1416...normal 170-500
LH is less than one..normal 2-8
I assumed E2 would come with result but didnt..can anyone shed light on LH...Im from Australia so unit s may be different to usa.
p.s im test prop 100-150mg eod
AI 25mg/day
Im 8 weeks in.

you ask for an expert eye but you don't give of nearly enough information to help, also the question you are asking is something anyone who is even considering gear should know...

LH is a hormone secreted by the pituitary to stimulate leydig cell production of testosterone..... soo when consuming exogenous testosterone or any other AAS, your body shuts down its natural system for creating test, so in return your LH and FSH levels plummet because your body is being told there is already enough testosterone...

also what measurement is your testosterone measured in if it is ng/nL then the amount of test prop you are taking barely puts your over the normal range and is either dosed or you waited to long to take bloods after dosing....

Also is this your first/second/xxx cycle? I'm assuming your using Aromasin as your AI, but why is it dosed so high? Normally 12.5mg/day is sufficient. Would be good if we knew were your e2 was at.

it may be adex but he forgot to put the . like .25mg
Ok thanks for responses
I guess I was asking about LH- got it thanks.
yes no e2 is a major drama. .I got it precycle and assumed doc would have run that too..but didnt.
im taking stane from rui.
I would have thought im off the scale so the gear I have is not bunk.
that converts to 1154 ng/dl - which is pretty much in range for normal test doses... your gear is either underdosed or bunk, but if it is bunk you have great natty T levels
your gear is still underdosed... it doesn't matter what your natty levels are since they are shut down due to being on gear...

for example my natty test is 240 or so... if i inject the same amount of gear as you being a natty level of 374 doesnt mean my test levels wont be 134 lower then yours just because your natty lvl is 134 more then me..

pretty much the dose you are taking is keeping you in a high natty range which means your gear is for the most part fairly underdosed
your gear is still underdosed... it doesn't matter what your natty levels are since they are shut down due to being on gear...

for example my natty test is 240 or so... if i inject the same amount of gear as you being a natty level of 374 doesnt mean my test levels wont be 134 lower then yours just because your natty lvl is 134 more then me..

pretty much the dose you are taking is keeping you in a high natty range which means your gear is for the most part fairly underdosed

Can anyone explain what the second paragraph means?? Its midnight in sydney but it makes no sense no matter how many times I read it
Can anyone explain what the second paragraph means?? Its midnight in sydney but it makes no sense no matter how many times I read it

He is trying to say that when you take exogenous test that your Natty T completely shuts down. It shuts down 100% regardless of how high or low it was. From that point on, you are getting all of your testosterone by taking your injections.
Ok thanks megatron I get that point now...
And do you agree that the gear is underdosed?? Keep in mind I was using a crashed vial for a week or so ...I thought the crystals were cracks...yes I know im stupid.
my natty was at 619 with a little Test cream very little , (can't remember dose) went to 7,343 . I was doing 1,500 to 1,700 mgs of Test only, a combination of Test E and Prop
Ok thanks megatron I get that point now...
And do you agree that the gear is underdosed?? Keep in mind I was using a crashed vial for a week or so ...I thought the crystals were cracks...yes I know im stupid.

Sounds like it is underdosed. You are taking a cycle sized weekly dose and still only at the upper end of the normal range with your TT.

But you have proven that you are stupid, so it could be user error. :)
Ok thanks megatron I get that point now...
And do you agree that the gear is underdosed?? Keep in mind I was using a crashed vial for a week or so ...I thought the crystals were cracks...yes I know im stupid.

Don't think that. You are learning and that's what this forum is about. You just should get more educated before you get in the middle of cycles or at the end. OK, Stick w/us and good luck ...OMM
Wow mike those numbers certainly indicate I have issues
And once again thanks for the kind words

You gotta remember a gram or a gram n a half is a healthy dose and I don't recommend anything like that for you.

FYI: at 62 yrs. of age and what all my body has gone through over the years the level of testosterone for me doesn't have as big effect on me as to the young guys. The body at age 62 doesn't build mass like it did. Good luck ...OMM