Bloodwork on my cycle Testp tren a en mast p


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Hi folks,

just started this week with test p 100mg , tren a 75mg and masteron p 75mg eod after a month of 2 bridging on 250 test e ew and 25mg provi ed.

Now did some bloodworks cause my libido isn't what it was... it takes longer to cum and less sensitive ...

did this cycle before the bridge also and took 50mg ed provi with it and libido was killer....

maybe the bloodwork is still based on the 250mg test and 25mg provi

I'm taking 10mg of aromasin ed now but read bad things about it.
What should I do?
Maybe the masteron still have to kick in and will lower estro a bit and should a retake 50mg of provi a day lower the aromasin or remove it all?
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Masteron and proviron work great!

Just not at lowering estradiol. ;)

You're sitting at about 10x where you should be FYI. I'd bump up that aromasin to 25mg ED for a week, then drop down to 12.5mg ED (or as close as you can get to those doses).

Next time, use your AI from day one - not just when you start having penis problems. Hopefully that will be enough, but without seeing prolactin on the test - that's the best I can suggest for now. If you go limp during sex, it may be time (after 2 weeks of aromasin doing its thing) to bring in a dopamine agonist.

My .02c :)
prolactin was around 11 being good said the doc...
So 2 weeks of aromasin may cause me to go with erectional problems?
Masteron and proviron work great!

Just not at lowering estradiol. ;)

You're sitting at about 10x where you should be FYI. I'd bump up that aromasin to 25mg ED for a week, then drop down to 12.5mg ED (or as close as you can get to those doses).

Next time, use your AI from day one - not just when you start having penis problems. Hopefully that will be enough, but without seeing prolactin on the test - that's the best I can suggest for now. If you go limp during sex, it may be time (after 2 weeks of aromasin doing its thing) to bring in a dopamine agonist.

My .02c :)

The weird thing is shouldn't you feel bad when on too high estradiol?
I don't feel bad and stil have great woods...only thing that conserend me was that my belly was getting more fat even on a diet, gear and workout schedule....

With this kinda of high test what would be the perfect amount of oestradiol to be on? My docs say the higher the test the higher the oestradiol.... but i dont know anything about numbers and ratio
After two weeks your problems should be gone. Estradiol does two things in this case:

1. Decreases sex drive (libido); you can get an erection and maintain it, but you don't really feel up to it.

2. Allows tren to increase prolactin. Prolactin makes it so you *might* be able to get an erection, but likely can't keep it. Ejaculation often takes forever due to high prolactin, but if estradiol is high, and you somehow manage to get an erection - you may go soft/delay orgasm due to a lack of interest.

You DO want to take the aromasin.
How high you can tolerate estradiol is very individual. Some guys start getting nipple sensitivity and bad water retention at 50-80ng/L (same as pg/mL for those following along), while others don't notice much of anything until much higher.

I just remembered that you're on trenbolone. Do you know if the estradiol was measured via ECLIA standards or not? It can give false positives for estradiol on those.

I consider libido problems and not being "sensitive" as not feeling good. ;)
How high you can tolerate estradiol is very individual. Some guys start getting nipple sensitivity and bad water retention at 50-80ng/L (same as pg/mL for those following along), while others don't notice much of anything until much higher.

I just remembered that you're on trenbolone. Do you know if the estradiol was measured via ECLIA standards or not? It can give false positives for estradiol on those.

I consider libido problems and not being "sensitive" as not feeling good. ;)

ow yeah i just added 250iu of pregnyl eod since yesterday... so how long do i have to take the aromasin? And would taking 50mg of proviron along with my stack by a good thing like for libido ?
It's that i have it very cheap on prescription.
de ECLIA standards I don't know what that is?
Told my doc that i m using and took my blood and had the results a day after
ow yeah i just added 250iu of pregnyl eod since yesterday... so how long do i have to take the aromasin? And would taking 50mg of proviron along with my stack by a good thing like for libido ?
It's that i have it very cheap on prescription.
de ECLIA standards I don't know what that is?
Told my doc that i m using and took my blood and had the results a day after

You don't need that much pregnyl (HCG), just twice a week should be fine. Proviron increases free testosterone, which can improve libido - but not when estradiol is so high.

You will want to take the aromasin up to the day before you PCT.

ECLIA is a formula that some labs use to make a calculation for estradiol. The problem with it is that trenbolone metabolites can interfere with it - giving false readings/calculations. You may actually only be at 100ng/L, but that method shows much higher.

You may have to contact the lab where you had the blood work done and ask.
You don't need that much pregnyl (HCG), just twice a week should be fine. Proviron increases free testosterone, which can improve libido - but not when estradiol is so high.

You will want to take the aromasin up to the day before you PCT.

ECLIA is a formula that some labs use to make a calculation for estradiol. The problem with it is that trenbolone metabolites can interfere with it - giving false readings/calculations. You may actually only be at 100ng/L, but that method shows much higher.

You may have to contact the lab where you had the blood work done and ask.


so run aromasin till the end at 10mg ed? some say 5mg e3d would be enough?

the hcg just 2x 250iu? And the provi not all or maybe cause within 2 weeks oestro would drop lower and provi makes muscles harder look + libido... I dont think the estradiol results are wrong cause first of al when doing the bloodwork i was only in my 3th injection of tren a at 75mg at a time....second in my bridge on 250test with 25mg of proviron I had no sex drive either ....

Just my cycle 4 months ago also test p tren a and mast with 50mg of proviron made my girlfriend go insane... would fuck her with every touch or glimp of a nipple :D or ass
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Ok agree with that.... but now I'm in shit it's better to help me out isn't it.
Wont happen twice...
So what is the best to do now?

You have gotten A+ advice from Halfwit. Do some homework now and see if what he is guiding you towards makes sense. Start reading!!!

so run aromasin till the end at 10mg ed? some say 5mg e3d would be enough?

the hcg just 2x 250iu? And the provi not all or maybe cause within 2 weeks oestro would drop lower and provi makes muscles harder look + libido... I dont think the estradiol results are wrong cause first of al when doing the bloodwork i was only in my 3th injection of tren a at 75mg at a time....second in my bridge on 250test with 25mg of proviron I had no sex drive either ....

Just my cycle 4 months ago also test p tren a and mast with 50mg of proviron made my girlfriend go insane... would fuck her with every touch or glimp of a nipple :D or ass

Aromasin has a very short half-life, so E3D would not be sufficient given your estradiol. I would START at 20mg ED for a week, and then (if and only if) you start feeling better, or can get bloodwork done showing you're within 100ng/L of being in range would you lower the dose.

Proviron is actually a very weak steroid, that is essentially a non-methylated form of masteron. It has a higher binding affinity than estradiol, so it allows you to have a higher free testosterone while helping to reduce *some* symptoms of estradiol like water retention in the subcutaneous layer. It doesn't actually reduce estradiol in any way, shape, or form. Period.

You need to bring estradiol down, it's that simple.

HCG can be bumped up if you aren't noticing a reduction in atrophy of your testicles. 500iu/wk is often sufficient, but yes - some guys do need more. You want to get by on as little as possible, so you're not wasting it, or potentially increasing intra-testicular estradiol too much as that can bring on side effects as well.

I do still wonder if your prolactin isn't higher; that just seems to fit a lot of what's going on here, but if your doctor says it's in range - it would have to be estradiol. (I would double check with him though, some men are very sensitive to the hormone)

Try and drink plenty of fluids to help your body flush out the excess hormones while the AI does its thing. And as Tron mentioned, please read the sticky FAQ in his signature. That will help you enormously.
Aromasin has a very short half-life, so E3D would not be sufficient given your estradiol. I would START at 20mg ED for a week, and then (if and only if) you start feeling better, or can get bloodwork done showing you're within 100ng/L of being in range would you lower the dose.

Proviron is actually a very weak steroid, that is essentially a non-methylated form of masteron. It has a higher binding affinity than estradiol, so it allows you to have a higher free testosterone while helping to reduce *some* symptoms of estradiol like water retention in the subcutaneous layer. It doesn't actually reduce estradiol in any way, shape, or form. Period.

You need to bring estradiol down, it's that simple.

HCG can be bumped up if you aren't noticing a reduction in atrophy of your testicles. 500iu/wk is often sufficient, but yes - some guys do need more. You want to get by on as little as possible, so you're not wasting it, or potentially increasing intra-testicular estradiol too much as that can bring on side effects as well.

I do still wonder if your prolactin isn't higher; that just seems to fit a lot of what's going on here, but if your doctor says it's in range - it would have to be estradiol. (I would double check with him though, some men are very sensitive to the hormone)

Try and drink plenty of fluids to help your body flush out the excess hormones while the AI does its thing. And as Tron mentioned, please read the sticky FAQ in his signature. That will help you enormously.

Thx man!

I wil follow your advice!

Still one thing... my girlfriend is trying to get pregnant for our 2nd baby.
Do you think their is a possibility to it when on all the time?
I've read about hmg but some could get the job done when using.
Thx man!

I wil follow your advice!

Still one thing... my girlfriend is trying to get pregnant for our 2nd baby.
Do you think their is a possibility to it when on all the time?
I've read about hmg but some could get the job done when using.

hCG should get the job done if you were fertile to begin with.
Aromasin has a very short half-life, so E3D would not be sufficient given your estradiol. I would START at 20mg ED for a week, and then (if and only if) you start feeling better, or can get bloodwork done showing you're within 100ng/L of being in range would you lower the dose.

Proviron is actually a very weak steroid, that is essentially a non-methylated form of masteron. It has a higher binding affinity than estradiol, so it allows you to have a higher free testosterone while helping to reduce *some* symptoms of estradiol like water retention in the subcutaneous layer. It doesn't actually reduce estradiol in any way, shape, or form. Period.

You need to bring estradiol down, it's that simple.

HCG can be bumped up if you aren't noticing a reduction in atrophy of your testicles. 500iu/wk is often sufficient, but yes - some guys do need more. You want to get by on as little as possible, so you're not wasting it, or potentially increasing intra-testicular estradiol too much as that can bring on side effects as well.

I do still wonder if your prolactin isn't higher; that just seems to fit a lot of what's going on here, but if your doctor says it's in range - it would have to be estradiol. (I would double check with him though, some men are very sensitive to the hormone)

Try and drink plenty of fluids to help your body flush out the excess hormones while the AI does its thing. And as Tron mentioned, please read the sticky FAQ in his signature. That will help you enormously.

But with 400mg of test a week my oestradiol should be 100?

A pro over here in Belgium says he 's at the same 300ng/l range and wants me to take arimidex instead of aromasin.
Drives me nutsbedrijven the total different opinions
But with 400mg of test a week my oestradiol should be 100?

A pro over here in Belgium says he 's at the same 300ng/l range and wants me to take arimidex instead of aromasin.
Drives me nutsbedrijven the total different opinions

Arimidex and Aromasin are interchangeable. They are both great AI's. Just remember that they are dosed differently and have different half Lifes.
Thx man!

I wil follow your advice!

Still one thing... my girlfriend is trying to get pregnant for our 2nd baby.
Do you think their is a possibility to it when on all the time?
I've read about hmg but some could get the job done when using.
As Tron stated, HCG *should* keep things running enough to keep you fertile. There are studies showing virtually all men that take HCG (without preexisting issues) were able to conceive children.

But with 400mg of test a week my oestradiol should be 100?

A pro over here in Belgium says he 's at the same 300ng/l range and wants me to take arimidex instead of aromasin.
Drives me nutsbedrijven the total different opinions

I was saying that when you're at 130-ish ng/L of estradiol, you could lower your dose of aromasin. You do NOT want estradiol too high as it can cause you many problems that you may not be able to see or feel. High blood pressure, prostatitis, deep vein thrombosis, and many other things can occur if E2 is kept too high for too long.

Agreeing with Tron again; adex and aromasin both can get the job done. Adex is just a little harsher on lipids and allows for rebound when you stop taking it. However, it does work faster.
if he is on tren could we be seeing biased e2 readings from it?? i dont know which test he took