Bloodwork Results From 7/08/14, 2nd Test After PCT.

Why was my post put into this............... My post has nothing to do with this guy ? I post a pic of a brand, now its merged with some guys blood results ?
I answered this in your other thread. You drew the blood too soon after stopping your PCT, 2 weeks was not enough. You need to wait at least 6 weeks to get your 'natty' levels.

My Bloodtest was 11/19/14. My other one was mid July. The one with 2 weeks was in april. when I was 144ng/dl. July I was 693ng/dl
Yeah, that's your problem. Clomid can still be effecting your results up to 4-5weeks after it's last dose... They aren't your real numbers.

Yeah I ment that on the first test. Witch I got 166ng/dl. But yeah, do you think thats my real levels though. 280. My e2 was 30. So I D K if its hypogonadism or not.