Bloodwork Results from my test


Informed Member
Haven't cycled in years and started to feel less motivated, less energy, no appetite, just less drive in general from what I was 10 yrs ago. I decided before doing any drastic changes I would go get my levels checked and may even get something done through my Dr as TRT. I go tomorrow to meet with him but these are my levels from my bloodwork. I am looking to increase energy levels (maybe done through better diet) and build lean mass slowly and I think at these levels I will struggle with that at my age.

I'm 38 yrs old.
5'8 160 lbs


There's obviously more I have, but these are a few main ones discussed. I don't have my E2 yet. It will be back tomorrow.

So I don't know what he may do. Just thought I'd see what you guys thought may happen. For what it's worth the doctor is a friend of mine.
less motivated, less energy, no appetite, just less drive in general from what you were 10 yrs ago? and you are 38 years old now?
Congratulations! :rockband:and Welcome to close to middle age man!!!!
a change in lifestyle always helps those who begin to feel that way.
Reference levels from another post are total test 348 to 1,197 ng/dL and free 9.3 to 26.5 pg/dL

So at 381 ng/dL and 5.4 pg/dL you are way on the low end of the scale, an ideal candidate for TRT
He started me with test troche 2x a day to see how that effects my levels over 8 wks and then he will switch me to injections after we determine how much it will take to get my levels in that 600 range. Any feedback on these?
I personally would not give up a natural 400 for a level of 600 that requires me to inject for the rest of my life.
Personally id try a hpta restart and try to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and maybe see if you are deficient in any vitamins through a special blood test. Getting on trt can be fun and exciting but after a couple years injecting does get very old. I would just say spend some time trying to get your levels up and look at any possible causes no matter how small. Even something like sleep apnea or certain medications can play a role. If you end up on trt its not to bad and is fun at first. Just make sure you get a good endo and dont work with your normal doctor on it. The normal doctor does not usually know enough and will just get you on a shot every 2 weeks or andro gell. I'd recommend trying to get on test e or c at 1 to 2 shots a week plus hcg at 250ius twice a week if you cant get your natural test back up or it keeps declining. I would go off based on how you feel right now dont let the numbers dictate your decision unless you get into the 200's then its actually bad for your health.
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Personally id try a hpta restart and try to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and maybe see if you are deficient in any vitamins through a special blood test.

Yeah that's what I've done over the last year. I thought the whole time since I had no complaints sexually and wasnt putting on weight, having low T wasn't on my radar until I decided to have a hormone panel done. I do feel of I'm going to consider it then I want to be 800+ range. Not 600 so I'll discuss that with him when the time comes if that's where I get to.