Blue top HGH dosage and length of usage.

Dino Velvet

Blue top HGH dosage and length of usage??

age 36
bf 20%
currently take 600mg testc weekly this is my first cycle. I was taking 300mg Deca but stopped it.

I have been doing research on this site and others, but just want to ask some questions before I order.
1.Plan to order Blue top HGH from UZ is this gtg? I know that it comes from china and batches vary. But has anyone tried it and had good results?

2. At 215lbs, is 4ius a day a good dosage for gaining muscle and weight lose? yes or no?

3.I plan to run it as long as my pocket book can handle it , so like a year, and once again UZ seems to have the best prices. So can I run HG for a long time?
thanks guys and advice would be greatly appreciated.
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4iu is a good dose to start from. There are different protocol you can follow as well.

Uncle Z blue tops are the best i have ever used.:uzi:
whats the longest you have run HG for if you dont mind me asking, and have you seen wieght loss and muscle gain from your experience?
Don't expect big time muscle gain from HGH in general, you will be disappointed. I tend to hear it's better for staying lean while you are bulking, and for it's regenerative abilities in tendons, ligaments, and overall feeling of wellness.
Maybe I was just under the impression that long-term use of the stuff makes you stupid huge? I'd think you put on an easy 5lb solid muscle in a 6-8month term, and extend the size of your frame. And like others mentioned, added fatloss
I have been on Z's blue tops for 3 months, I love them. I have lost a lot of fat and feel so much better over all. I have a log take a look at the progress pics. I think a year is a good plan, I will probably do the same.

Thank you guys and thank you Blondie I will sure check out your log, I want to try a year long cycle, along with another cycle of AS. I see that 4ius a day is a good dosage, I understand that I wont get huge with it but the wieght loss and other benifits mentioned would sure help out.
Maybe I was just under the impression that long-term use of the stuff makes you stupid huge? I'd think you put on an easy 5lb solid muscle in a 6-8month term, and extend the size of your frame. And like others mentioned, added fatloss

It takes a high dose of GH along with slin, and aas to really get BIG....
Thank you guys and thank you Blondie I will sure check out your log, I want to try a year long cycle, along with another cycle of AS. I see that 4ius a day is a good dosage, I understand that I wont get huge with it but the wieght loss and other benifits mentioned would sure help out.

You can start with 4, but 4 is low for a male, I am running 5 right now.
I totally agree with pux.. if your GH is of a good quality 4 iu is more than enough. I am no guru in GH therapy or use, but i can tell you from my own experience being on it now for close to 2 months, the results i got from 4iu a day prior to bed exceeded my expectations. i also run it with 1ml of test prop every 3rd day as well. i cut out the cardio mid sept and eat pretty clean, not strict by any means. Ive maintained a weight of 230lbs but lost 1.5 inches in my waist. i plan on running the gh for 7 to 10 months depending on sides etc.. Its no miracle drug i dont think and i havent been on it long enough yet to "feel" the feeling of well being people talk about or the mental sharpness, but i def do notice a reduced amount of joint pain (shoulders, knees) with the exception of sore wrists and a bit of swollen palms and feet.(which ive looked into and apparently is quite common). I always wanted to try GH as ive reasearched it for years and have had many friends use it with various results. If your gh is legit and not some cheap knockoff, depending on what your after 4iu i think is a decent dose. Those who want huge muscle mass i def think 4iu and above is needed.. just depends on goals etc.. im happy with my results so far and will continue on it untill i run out or i grow a third nut or something.
why did you stop the deca with your test e? reason i ask is im about to start the same cycle. have done test b4 but never deca.
Well this is my first cycle and I know I know that I should have done Test only but I am doing a 12 week cycle, Weeks 1-8 test e 500mg/deca 300mg, stopped deca 8th week since it stays in your system longer than test, weeks 9-12 test e, wait 4 weeks then start pct with, Nolva and Clomid, I have gained 15 lbs so far, and hope to keep most of it, but really need to do good post cycle therapy (pct). But please tell me if im wrong, I did all my research here and other sites.
Next cycle I want to do
test e 600mg
npp 100mg every 3rd day, since its a faster acting deca, also 12 weeks plus pct.
And of course HG