body composition


New member
would like to get bigger and leaner, yes i know its difficult to accomplish at the same time. whats everyone feel the best approach would be diet, gear/ph/ds, training wise?

my avi is recent. i think i got a pretty decent physique, not great by any means, but good. basically wanna gain lean mass/recomp. maybe a lot of compound lifts, high intensity/low volume, eating at or just above maintenance?

and what about gear?:naughty:
I bet if you were to run a cutting cycle you would look ripped, I wouldn't worry about adding mass right now you have a good base, by cutting you would look alot bigger once you get down to a low bf, then run a clean bulk
I bet if you were to run a cutting cycle you would look ripped, I wouldn't worry about adding mass right now you have a good base, by cutting you would look alot bigger once you get down to a low bf, then run a clean bulk

I actually am gettin close to finishing t3.. added ec after about 4 weeks as well. Was at a sloppy 210 and sitting around 190 now... Been cutting about three months now. And yes I ran t3 without gear.... Don't feel I've lost any muscle though. Between 25-50mcgs ed.

To be honest I'm ready to start bulking lol. Lately though been slacking a little. Junk food on weekends... A lot! Dieting/cardio sucks lo! Don't wanna sound ignorant but the whole cookie cutter diet isn't for me man... Would rather eat things I like and get on a good training routine geared towards aesthetics. And of course some assistance.... Just no needles!!!
Well you are what you eat, im bulking now and I don't exactly eat the cleanest but I don't drink soda or eat cookies and shit like that no fast food alot of spaghetti, chicken, meat and potatoes, shit like that I hate brown rice and not a huge fan of sweet potatoes, I figure once I start cutting I will then be on a real strict diet, ,its all about knowing ylur body I know I can shave fat off quick so I am not too worried about it,,,you want to bulk you gotta eat and too much cardio isn't good if your bulking, ,run some test bro you will be amazed how easy and pain free pinning is
Well you are what you eat, im bulking now and I don't exactly eat the cleanest but I don't drink soda or eat cookies and shit like that no fast food alot of spaghetti, chicken, meat and potatoes, shit like that I hate brown rice and not a huge fan of sweet potatoes, I figure once I start cutting I will then be on a real strict diet, ,its all about knowing ylur body I know I can shave fat off quick so I am not too worried about it,,,you want to bulk you gotta eat and too much cardio isn't good if your bulking, ,run some test bro you will be amazed how easy and pain free pinning is

Yea I'm terrified of needles though! With all the different orals ph/ds wise I'm thinking of sticking with them
Yea but with proper supports/ Pct and keeping the doses reasonable they aren't as bad as everyone makes them no?
They shut down your bodies natural test production, test is what makes a man a man so your nuts could shrink, libido gone. , limp dick, feeling like shitt etc. You need test that's why test is the base of all cycles , plus its likely you will lose alot of what you gain on oral only cycles, not to mention liver issues
Their isn't one person that felt like you do that hasn't changed their mind after the first time, its. That easy, but your always better off growing naturally just don't fuck yourself up with an oral only just cuz its easy
Yea I hear ya man. I'll make sure to do it right... Pct,supports, ect. I have done one cycle of halovar and that's it. Took everything, Pct with nolva... Didn't get blood work though. I mean I've passed out giving blood its that bad! And I don't have anyone that could pin for me or I prob would do it.

Btw appreciate your input bro. Thanks a lot
yea ive been slacking on diet/cardio... especially on the weekends! i know diet is huge, but damn idk if im really set out for the "clean" diet. i like to eat too much. did good for quite a while, cut from a sloppy 210 to my current pic in avi at 190, a lot leaner... t3/cardio played a big role as well

i know everyone who has good physiques isnt eating 100% clean, training has to be a big factor as well. thinking maybe i need to switch to full body/more high intensity type workouts

seems these are geared more towards transforming your physique aesthetic wise then a regular split... been at this for about 5 years... wanna take my body to that next level! and i know im probably gonna hear diet is key, but shit i want opinions nonetheless lol