Body Fat?


Brick House
Can anyone help me estimate my BF? I did 6 different caliper methods and the all gave me something differnt - I averaged them out to 24%, but have no clue if that correct or close or not..... and please dont be too harsh - I'm holding like 5 pounds of water in these pics and I was ill for about a year so I lost a lot of BF and gained weight, but I'm starting to get back in shape :)

Thanks in advance :)

No way are you at 24% bf. I'm around there and I have a small stomach to lose. I would say you're around 15%. Looking good keep up the good work!!
You look great! and the tats are sexy. 24% seems high. You look super thin in your underwear pic.

Hopefully the ladies will stop by soon and be able to tell for sure.
You look great! and the tats are sexy. 24% seems high. You look super thin in your underwear pic.

Hopefully the ladies will stop by soon and be able to tell for sure.

lol - thanks, but it's bikini bottoms... I put up a post on the womens forum to ask for help - directed them here.
24% is too high , a woman only needs about 13% to show 6 pack as opposed to a guy needing 10% , a real six that is , you look good , probably around 17-18 %
I tend to think 17 to 18 % but really to be sure i would have to examine you much more closely...luckily for both of us i am available :p
anything under 21% is excellent for a female....womens bf is completely different then mens....women may look leaner but yet have a higher bf sum it up...I think you look dam good but I know how you feel when you say you are not where you want to be...i say the same thing

ok so you asked us not to be I will only say this....goddam I want to very dirty things to you!!! We can keep it on the hush ;)

here is a pic after my last cycle....just to see if you approve (and you are allowed to be honest)

and ps...take that dam hand of your ta ta!!!
I would say 24 is prob right... you can get a real guesstimate using your measurements online... mine have always been pretty close to the USMC method of calculation. But other people's seem to be way off.

I only say somewhere around 24 is about right based on what my own hydrostatic water test measured at when my body looked similar. But every female's body is different, its not as easy to gauge as man's is based upon visual assessment. Female bodies tend to carry more water and really make it hard to guess just looking.

Whatever it is you look great keep up the good work! (and nice tats)
anything under 21% is excellent for a female....womens bf is completely different then mens....women may look leaner but yet have a higher bf sum it up...I think you look dam good but I know how you feel when you say you are not where you want to be...i say the same thing

ok so you asked us not to be I will only say this....goddam I want to very dirty things to you!!! We can keep it on the hush ;)

here is a pic after my last cycle....just to see if you approve (and you are allowed to be honest)

and ps...take that dam hand of your ta ta!!!

LOL - sorry hubby doesnt like me showing pics of my ta ta's on the internet.

And your pic looks great.
I would say 24 is prob right... you can get a real guesstimate using your measurements online... mine have always been pretty close to the USMC method of calculation. But other people's seem to be way off.

I only say somewhere around 24 is about right based on what my own hydrostatic water test measured at when my body looked similar. But every female's body is different, its not as easy to gauge as man's is based upon visual assessment. Female bodies tend to carry more water and really make it hard to guess just looking.

Whatever it is you look great keep up the good work! (and nice tats)

Thanks I appreciate a womens prespective :)
I think you look great!

Little off topic.....Are you wearing Boston shorts & live in NY??

Just sayin
I think you look great!

Little off topic.....Are you wearing Boston shorts & live in NY??

Just sayin

LOL - yeah, I got them when I was in Boston last - just liked the shorts so I ignore what they say on them, besides I cant really see my butt when I wear them anyway.
oh Im not!!! lol trust me

alogia67 how long have you been married and what is your hubbys stats?

height/weight/bf%/age and what is his training history and cycle history?

I just got married in June of this year - havent even taken our honeymoon yet, that's in November....

My Husband is 6', 28yrs, 175 lbs, prolly around 14-16% body fat (but hasnt been tested), he's looking to put on more muscle, he hasnt done a cycle yet - looking into trying test. He's only been training 2 years, but he was in the army for 6 years and that had him in shape. Once he left he got outta shape, so I started helping him eat proper and train to get him back in shape.....Took a lil while to get him eating and training proper, but he's still not really gaining any more muscle. He's going to the doctors for a full work up before starting on anything.
2 years is way to little time to jump on steroids.

Anyways, I would also say around 24%... but all calipers really can do is tell you how much you loose.
2 years is way to little time to jump on steroids.

Anyways, I would also say around 24%... but all calipers really can do is tell you how much you loose.

Normally I would agree with you, but due to him being in the military for 6 years, he got military training and that made a lot of difference.... but I told him he needs to get a full work up from the doctor to make sure there's nothing going on, doctor may put him on test which I think would be better then him trying to run a cycle himself.
Normally I would agree with you, but due to him being in the military for 6 years, he got military training and that made a lot of difference.... but I told him he needs to get a full work up from the doctor to make sure there's nothing going on, doctor may put him on test which I think would be better then him trying to run a cycle himself.

the doc proly wont put him on test...they usually try to go for a topical treatment first and his test levels will have to be lower then normal. Even if they do put him on test it will only be a maintainence dose...he needs to run a cycle for himself..that would be the best