Body Fat?

the doc proly wont put him on test...they usually try to go for a topical treatment first and his test levels will have to be lower then normal. Even if they do put him on test it will only be a maintainence dose...he needs to run a cycle for himself..that would be the best

Good to know
Normally I would agree with you, but due to him being in the military for 6 years, he got military training and that made a lot of difference.... but I told him he needs to get a full work up from the doctor to make sure there's nothing going on, doctor may put him on test which I think would be better then him trying to run a cycle himself.

Military training and bodybuilding are very different. Also diet is nothing in the military compared to what he'll need later on.

Also I dont think that his doc will just give him TRT.
If he where to get testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life then I would just simply ad more test to the mix, but again, when he has had more time training, eating and sleeping as needed.