boldenone propionate


New member
I just got some boldenone propionate powder and I can't find any recipes to make this. I figured it is the same as test propionate correct? I know this belongs in the chem forum but it will get more replies here and can eventually be moved. Anyone with advice please?
I know two things. First, itl make up just as easy (or not easy) as test prop. Second, youll wish you never shot it. Its notoriously one of the most painful roids out.

I suggest you make it up at 2%ba/25%bb and see if you can get a somewhat painless inject.
This is some messy shit. There are crystlas forming at the bottom and so far I have used 2 %BA and 10% BB. This sucks,lol. I really don't want crystals forming in my ass which I am not even sure is possible but.
Its very possible, and that is exactly what high bb will prevent.

bb is mostly soluble in oil, while ba is mostly soluble in water. Basically it crashes in ur butt (crashes in depot). Bump that bb up to 20+ imo and see how she holds.
So I have used 2ml of BA so far and 6ml of BB and all of this is in50mls of oil (used more oil than supposed too duh) so my percentage is 5% BA and 10% BB correct? Pullinbig said to use 2%BA and 25% BB much like NPP. I honestly didn't expect it to be much different than test Propionate but it obviously is. But adding more BB until it stops crashing will basically make my mg perml yield lower but won't make it hurt worse right? Sorry for so many qusetions but there is no one or no threads about this anywhere.
itl make it hurt less. BB hurting "abolve 15%" is a total myth. Its bogus to think certian %'s hurt anyways...its about total volume.

25% sounds great, and yes itl make the final product underdosed by a tad. Just shoot a tad more.
with 2ml ba and 6ml bb in 50ml you should have 4% ba and 12% bb right now. and yes the more you add, the lower your strength will be, but in theory it should hurt less because the bb will hold it in solution longer so crystals dont form in your ass.
So how many mls total BB would I use given that I used 50mls of oil wth 10grams of powder 6mlsBB and 2mls BA? I am a math reatard sorry,lol.
You have no idea how much that helped bro, I have been everywhere looking for this info and bumping all day trying to get help. Thanks a ton, I was afraid I would have to toss it for a while there.
Concentration (mg/ml) 100
Weight (mg) 10000
Specific Volume 0.8
Desired BA% 2
Desired BB% 25

Oil Volume 65.00
BB Volume 25.00
BA Volume 2.00
Powder Volume 8.00

Total Volume 100.0

thats for 100mg/ml

what mg/ml u aiming for?
I WAS aiming for 200mgs pe rml for 50mls total but I think I am going to end up between 150 and 200mgs. Now with the added BB and BA which so far I added a total of 9mls ofBB and it looks to be holding I have a total of around 65mls. It's been holding for half an hour do you think I should wait a few more hours to see if it recrytalizes?
Based on what you told me you have ~150mg/ml, 2%ba, 14%bb

I truely think that adding another 16mL BB is the best way to go for 2 reasons.

First off did you hear me when I said this shit hurts. 150mg/ml WILL teach ur hiney a long lasting lesson. Do your butt a favor and make it 100mg/ml at most.

I am however intrigued by your stubborness to add this bb. If it holds for a day or two, shoot it for a pain test and let me know what you think.
That's cool, let's not and say I did. I ran out of room in my 50ml vial so I have to use my other vial cause I used so much. Is there really such a thing as using too much BB?
i recommended 5% ba and 15% bb, or 2% ba and 18% bb. i can tell you that short ester gear at 150-200mg/ml is gonna have some bite to it. should have gotten deca. much simplier conversion pain free up to 400mg/ml no prob. run the npp the first 4 week with the deca and then drop the npp. or just run the deca and wait 5 weeks for it to kick in.

long esters are so much simplier and a lot more forgiving.

you know what dougy? i'll bet bb can be used as a carrier simlilar to peg. dont know how practical itr would be but that just popped in my cranial void.
Check on it then mayan. I'll be makin some oral anavar soon and it sure the hell isn't going to go like this did. The things you guys recommended worked but when I started out I just did it like TP and that is what fugged me all up. I'm gonna stick this shit tonight and see what happens. If it hurts I'll just cry and then I'll add even more BB.
It is around 70mls right now and holding the ratios got all fucked up along the way but I injected it and it felt fine. If it crashes tommorrow I will of course add more BB. I'm glad I did this so maybe I can help guys in the future as I beleive this will become quit popular if the pain can be stopped. I did it with test propionate at 2% BA and 7%BB. Thanks again for the help just shows what a great group of guys and board we have here. I looked everywhere and there wasn't any help in sight.