booze vs gain


New member
I am still young. Just turned 21 not too long ago. I haven't done a cycle yet, just been on the boards to learn for future reference. Since I turned 21 I've obviously been enjoying myself, drinking, a lot. I've always been really active, I work out, play sports and have an automatic fast metabolism. My question is, is there anything else I can do to make sure I don't get fat? Without cutting the beer and booze :beer:
If you really want to take this serious you should cut the booze out or at least keep it under control and at a minimum. Im not a big drinker but I do enjoy a cold one every now and again, so I cant say dont drink at all. You will learn with time that it's not really worth the hangover that follows.

Be responsible and just remember no matter what you put in your body, whether it be booze or food, if its more than what you burn off it gets stored as fat.
I just turned 25. I REALLY drink maybe....5 times a year. And there may be another 20 times a year I drink a lil, but so little I don't even feel it.

Alcohol is....over indulged by those who simply want to replace reality. You don't need it man. Severely limit it not just for your gains, but for long term health. The less you drink, the better your later stages of life generally are.
I am still young. Just turned 21 not too long ago. I haven't done a cycle yet, just been on the boards to learn for future reference. Since I turned 21 I've obviously been enjoying myself, drinking, a lot. I've always been really active, I work out, play sports and have an automatic fast metabolism. My question is, is there anything else I can do to make sure I don't get fat? Without cutting the beer and booze :beer:

you can run and maintain a strict diet that should even it out.

when and if you do cycle you have to give it upp if you enjoy your liver.

ill get wrecked once a month and thats about itt on ill drink one day a weekend if that and havent had any problems