breakfast of champions


New member
ok well all i see these days is oats , whey protein and eggs. isnt there somethin else u guys can eat for breakfast seriously sick of this stuff lol
Yes I do agree with you and can understand your situation..But this meals are best for a healthy life and fit body..I know that eating the same stuff irritates you and one not like it but for some reasons it is good..
Ummm oats you can add cinnamon or a banana. With eggs you can put anything you want in them dude. Don't be a afraid to spice up your food.
Thats my exact breakfast

90grams of oats, 1 scoop of strawberry or banana whey for flavour, mixed with water

7 egg whites 1 whole egg, scrambled

Every morning without fail. I love it.
6 eggwhites with shredded cheese and hotsauce

turkey bacon

1cup of original oats with a scoop of peanut butter in it bc the shit is so tasteless lol

a bananna, apple, and 4 tangerines

protein shake about an hr later

i love it and it opens my stomach upp for the rest of the day
just curious how long does it take u guys to eat all that shit? and in what order do u eat it and how long from once u wake up? and are u doin cardio b4 it or just eat straight away?

cus i have trouble eating in the morning its the hardest meal for me to get my food in for some reason.

i struggle on more then 4 eggs and half a cup of oats. i can get the whey protein down easily tho with a glass of water, the rest feels like my stomach is gonna explode and i have to force feed it...
That's because your not used to it. And your metabolism isn't working properly! Just keep eating and sooner or later your going to wake up hungry AF. I know. Because that's how I was.
I love breakfast!!!

I totally love breakfast. I am currently doing some cutting and more cardio than usual. And really watching what i eat after 6pm. After 6 is protein only. which doesn't satisfy my hunger. some evenings are harder than others.

So when i wake up in the morning i'm flippin starving. Though even when bulking i'm super hungry in the morning too.

I have one cup rolled oats with a little skim milk. To give it flavor i add a few raisins to it. Then i have 4 whole eggs with 250ml(8 egg whites) scrambled. I have this seasoning spice that i put on them that makes them delicious. Then 1/2 hour later i have a banana.

The oats and eggs once ready takes me only 5-8 mins to eat. I get up early and just shovel it all down.

I love breeakfast!!! Actually i love all meals, except for the sardines that i eat, lol!!! I have to choke those down.
thats so wierd, i wake up feeling so hungry all tghe time my appetite is like a fucking infurnace . i swear very rarely am i full i think ive forgotton what full feels like .
For something differrent i sometimes eat baked beans salad with hard boiled eggs trown with olive oil or lentils chick peas with toast for brekky high in proiten and carbs and great taste you feel full but not bloated good before a workout to :cool:

Half a cup of egg whites, a scoop or 2 of protein powder = amazing protein pancakes with sugar free pancake syrup :cool: maybe add some strawberries and 'I can't believe its not butter' spray etc, too good!
7 egg whites, one whole egg with pepper jack cheese and hot salsa. Oats with artificial sweetener and blueberries. Pretty much what I have every day lol.