Broke down 38yr old started TB500 today

Hello everyone, I'm new here, so I'll start by giving you guys my stats.

38yrs old
6'0 252lbs
24% BF
about 6 cycles under my belt since I was 22yrs old. (All except the last 2 had no pct!) Didn't have the internet back then. As the old saying goes....."I wish I knew then what I know now". Oh well cant change the past! Gotta look to the future!

Anyway I'm sure that the TB500 logs have probably been done quite a bit, but some people especially some of the older folks might be interested in mine because of my present condition.

My left shoulder has had 2 surgeries. One for a clean up for impingement and the 2nd was for a S.L.A.P. tear. I had my AC joint separated in my right shoulder back in 1995 and it was separated 2 more times after that, so its a chronic issue. I recently got back into martial arts and started jiu jitsu 8 months ago. Since starting I have racked up a couple more significant injuries. In December 2013 I had a grade 2 sprain of my LCL and it still isn't quite right and on June 8th during a tournament I acquired a grade 2 high ankle sprain on my right ankle. I also have severe biceps tendonitis in my left arm which recently has flared up so bad that it hurts to just bend my arm.

As you can see I'm a wounded warrior. My hope is the TB500 can slowly heal me up, so I can continue to do the things that I love. I hate when people tell me I'm not 20 anymore lol

My plan is to take 4mg a week for the first month and then 2mg a week for the next 2 months.

questions, comments, concerns are appreciated.

First pin was today .5ml BAC water / 2mg TB500
Hey I'm curious about your cycle history actually. I'm 23 and started cycling when I was 21. Are you on TRT by any chance or do you still feel recovered at 38? Sorry if that was off topic. But, anyways I've definetely heard good things about TB500. I'm new to peps as well, I just started my GHRP-2 and Mod GRF 1-29 cycle 4 days ago and I've already noticed my groin is better. I tore it about 2 months back and haven't been able to lift legs ever since, but I was able to yesterday and today it feels like its almost completely healed. You might want to look into GHRP and Mod GRF. I am amazed so far. The bloat sucks though. Keep a log. I'll be following bro.
I will be following. I did the same exact dosages when I ran tb500 for a shoulder injury. Looking forward to your progress. I was pleasantly surprised with the peptide.
Well cycle history goes like this.....1st cycle was sustanon only. It started at 250 a week and gradually went up to 750. All pins were done on the same day since we went to Mexico on the weekends. Then tapered back down and that was basically how we did it. Needless to say we didn't keep much of the gains. Did that probably twice in 1997-1998. Didn't mess around again until 01-02 time frame. Pretty much the same deal only this time sustanon was stacked with primobolan. Again no pct and lost everything after going cold turkey.

More recent I did a cycle of tbol, test E and did pct with nolva and clomid. Much better this time around, but injuries have plagued my success.

Sorry I can't give you more details right now. Its a pain in the ass posting from my phone.

Jim, I will check out the log tonight!
I guess I should mention that I'm doing Big Beyond Belief which isn't the best thing for tendonitis in the bicep, but I've learned to work around my injuries. Anyway, I hit the gym this morning. I'm on the 2nd week of supergrowth phase and day 3 of ramp 2. Obviously nothing to report as far as improvement from the tb500 yet. The bicep tendonitis is holding me back a bit on back exercises and I pretty much had to cut out curls all together.

Working on the diet, but hard to stay super strict with two young boys (9 and 6yrs old) in the house. I've been trying to carb cycle, but just started this a week ago. I have low, medium and high carb days. The low days are my days off, medium days are for the smaller body part training days and the high carb days are for the heavy intense training days. I'll give it a couple weeks and see how it's going.
Well it's only been 2 days since the first pin, so nothing to report other than my biceps tendonitis being on fire! It hurts to just do normal things like putting my lunch box on the table. All other ailments are still hurting as well, but the bicep is the most debilitating one.

Thinking of upping the dose to 6mg per week for 4 weeks and pinnig 3x per week. My thought behind that is that it seems the majority of the logs are by guys that are 5'7 165lbs and ripped. I on the other hand am 6'0 255lbs (weighed myself this morning) and I'm wondering if size matters? Maybe someone has some input on this?
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Wow you a real worrior bro just start with 2 vails of 2 mgs a week for 4 weeks and than 1 vail once at month you can run tb500 for the long you want, tb500 really work you going to feel better after 14 days good luck bro
Wow you a real worrior bro just start with 2 vails of 2 mgs a week for 4 weeks and than 1 vail once at month you can run tb500 for the long you want, tb500 really work you going to feel better after 14 days good luck bro

I agree with you first 4 week dosing but next 4 I would do 2mg/week split into 2 , 1mg doses.
Yes he can do that way too, either way will work that one thing I love to see different option, opinion and technic

Agreed. I also have seen some run it at more than 4mg/week during loading but for me personally I see no benefit from dosing higher than that. However, as you said, there are different means to the same ends.
Agreed. I also have seen some run it at more than 4mg/week during loading but for me personally I see no benefit from dosing higher than that. However, as you said, there are different means to the same ends.

I agree with you bro there no need to go highter than that, I see good progress at 4 mgs a week
Going to head to the gym here in a bit. Today is my power day and I'll be trying to see what I can handle on deadlift. I maxed 515lbs while on a cycle of test E last year, but haven't really deadlifted since then until last week.. I wanted to start slow since I'm still recovering from a lcl sprain and a high ankle sprain. I did 315x5 for 3 sets and 365x5 for the last set. I felt good about that just because I was able to get through the range of motion without pain. We'll see how I feel today.

I took yesterday off and the bicep is feeling slightly better. I doubt it's anything to do with the TB500. It's more the rest than anything. Well I'll report back when I return from the gym.
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Well I'm back from the gym and I had a pretty good day. I can't say the TB500 is doing anything just yet, but I was able to deadlift 405 for a set of 5 today with no issues. Felt a little tweak in my LCL, but after I was warmed up it felt better. I'm always fairly weak on bench for a guy my size since I've had surgeries and separations in both shoulders. On my last set of bench I was shooting for a set of 5 with 275lbs and I was able to hit that 10 times, so I was pretty happy. If the TB500 starts healing stuff I think I'll turn into a beast in the gym.

On a side note I was bummed out because since I can't hop around on my bad ankle I missed out on a seminar at my MMA gym. I stopped by and watched and it sucked to sit on the sidelines while former UFC fighter Jason Lambert was giving instruction. :(
Pin #2 has been administered. I was going to do it tomorrow morning, but I'm taking the kids fishing in the A.M. so I figured I would knock it out tonight.
Ok guys I trained this morning and my biceps tendonitis is still on fire. I'm not doing any curling exercises for 2 weeks now. Other injuries are the same. What I didn't mention earlier is that I just did a 4 week Tbol only cycle. I know it is mostly advised against doing that, so I'm going to put it into another thread. Just wanted to say that my pumps in the gym seem better once I stopped using it.
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Hit the gym again this morning and no news of any type of progress as far as injury/pain goes. Tomorrow will mark the 3rd pin of 2mg. I hope to be feeling something by this time next week. It would be nice to train back without my bicep tendon feeling like it's going to snap.
End of week 2 I feel like at very least the anti inflammatory effects were def there and I was able to push more. Curious to see how it goes for you.