Brown Rice with Peanut Butter?


New member
I've finally embraced brown rice with white meat...
I've always liked the meat, but never cared for rice... It tastes like paper to me..

Anyways,,, Diet Experts,,, is a small tablespoon of Peanut Butter adding too much fat to this "common" meal (I say common loosely as i know that "common" depends on your routine or wear you are in your training cycle, your age, weight, and many other factors)?

I fully understand that a lot more info should be needed to answer this, but in general, peanut butter yes or peanut butter no. The portion size of brown rice and chicken/fish would be based on a 6 meal/day diet.
If you grill or use a Pam spray then you make up the fats with pb. Easy fix
I've never understood the fascination with seperating macros from your diet year round (I do like to do it when its warranted) and why so many people are concerned with even just a little bit of fat with your protein and carbs. Were not talking about a double cheeseburger from mcdonalds. 8 oz of lean protein + 1 cup rice + 2 tbsp. of Peanut Butter isn't going to all of a sudden make you a fatty as opposed to not using the peanut butter at all and in fact will make getting leaner easier when you do start seperating macros.

I've finally embraced brown rice with white meat...
I've always liked the meat, but never cared for rice... It tastes like paper to me..

Anyways,,, Diet Experts,,, is a small tablespoon of Peanut Butter adding too much fat to this "common" meal (I say common loosely as i know that "common" depends on your routine or wear you are in your training cycle, your age, weight, and many other factors)?

I fully understand that a lot more info should be needed to answer this, but in general, peanut butter yes or peanut butter no. The portion size of brown rice and chicken/fish would be based on a 6 meal/day diet.
cook with coconut oil, u can get flavoured or plain. good stuff it has a positive effect on ur metabolism as well as being a great weight loss aid. check it out !