Browns finally beat the Steelers


Active member
It's about time. The Steelers have the Browns' number, but the Browns defense really stepped it up. The D-Line played amazing, the really disrupted the running game (only 60 yards) and Maddox wasn't comfortable all night. Hopefully, this can turn around their bad start.
I didn't see that coming at all -- Especially after the Lions beat up on the Browns during preseason like they were nothing.
dbolme said:
I didn't see that coming at all -- Especially after the Lions beat up on the Browns during preseason like they were nothing.

Preseason has never meant a damn thing. If you rely on the preseason to tell you something about the regular season then you're gonna have problems.
Bah, we just had a bad season. We'll turn it back around this year and keep on 'owning' your asses like always. :D
Sorry fellas, but the dolphins are takin it all this year.
bob marley said:
Sorry fellas, but the dolphins are takin it all this year.

Wow, I said this when Ricky was still there. How fast things change.