buffdoc and Drveejay11: ?


New member
How comprehensive were the teachings about steroids in Med School?

Is most of your knowledge about this from personal experience?

Also have you been able to incorporate what you have learned here into your practices?

wayne and zeus said:
How comprehensive were the teachings about steroids in Med School?

Is most of your knowledge about this from personal experience?

Also have you been able to incorporate what you have learned here into your practices?


The teachings were minimal; or course, back when I was in med school, we were still bleeding patients to cure fevers ;-)
Seriously, there was not the public awareness, nor physician awareness of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use then that there is now. As we advanced through internship and residency, there was the usual line about the dangers, but not a lot of hysteria, actually. I think that came later, as MD's are as likely to be swayed by political winds as anyone.
Most of my early knowledge came from studying "anti-aging" medicine, and the use of various steroids and HGH. I discovered the "boards" later.
I would have to say that I speak with a great deal more confidence and authority on the subject of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in my own practice as a result of this board and others like it.
Re: Re: buffdoc and Drveejay11: ?

buffdoc said:
Most of my early knowledge came from studying "anti-aging" medicine, and the use of various steroids and HGH. I discovered the "boards" later.
I would have to say that I speak with a great deal more confidence and authority on the subject of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in my own practice as a result of this board and others like it.


Sadly, the majority of my Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) education simply came from exploring personal interest, along with my over-zealous pursuit to defy my genetic shortcomings! (I always tell myself it could be worse, I could be MVMAXX....LOL), along with reading, more reading, and you guessed it.....MORE READING in these areas of interest.

Also, I get a little "obsessive/compulsive" with most things I enjoy! Having said that, I played sports my whole life and staying competitive through the first 2 years of under-grad (until I ruptured my ACL) forced my interest even further.

I have always been big on supplements and other forms of alternative medicine for that matter......after awhile, you ask yourself "why am I wasting all this time and money on Glutamine, Flax, creatine, prohormones, etc. when I could have the REAL stuff "???......... The rest is history ;)

From the course outlines that I have been readining both Endocrinology AND nutrition are only a measly 6wks long.
Billy_Bathgate said:
From the course outlines that I have been readining both Endocrinology AND nutrition are only a measly 6wks long.

Hmmmm.... I guess things haven't changed much since my time. You really have to read and read, and be willing to think outside the box to be a more complete physician. Especially AFTER med school!

BTW, Billy, thanks for the belated reply. I'll try that technique; thought I had it quite cold, though.
Thanks for the responses Gentlemen (and I use that term loosely....)

One last one, what types of medicine do you practice?
wayne and zeus said:
Thanks for the responses Gentlemen (and I use that term loosely....)

One last one, what types of medicine do you practice?

I'm boarded in Anesthesiology; in practice full-time Pain Management w/ an alternative/complementary bent (prolotherapy, acupuncture, etc.)
Also, some Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and nutritional/preventive med.
Any more and I'll blow my cover!!
I'm a Certified Chiropractic Sports & Rehab Physician. The practice I own and operate deals with Pain Management as well (although this is my partner's forte and interest).

I'm also certified in acupuncture although the state I practice in currently does not allow practicing this unless you are an MD. (Shame because I really enjoyed the simple yet effective fundamentally "sound" methodology acupuncture employs).

My areas of interest are (I feel like I'm on the Dating Game....LOL)

Nutritional therapy/alternative medicine and acute sports injuries (not in that order).


What else?
My name is Dr. Big Weiner
My address is: 555 Nunya Business
My social security # is 555-55-5555
My cock length measures 16 inches (ok, ok.....when I'm sprung)
My dog's name is Juice
My cat's name is Gear

My idol??? Stone Cold ;)


:(<----------------Me sitting around waiting for MVMAXX to get ahold of this post! LOL
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That is a shame about the acupuncture. I had no idea you were into that as well as me!
I'd always wondered if those penile enlargement acupuncture protocols worked for anyone besides me.
Later, Tiny!
buffdoc said:
I'd always wondered if those penile enlargement acupuncture protocols worked for anyone besides me.
Later, Tiny!

LMAO!!!!! Nice bro!

They didn't help me either :bawling:

Stay away from those AhShi Penis Points bro! :eek2:

And since you probably have some Kidney yang deficiency (lil dick) be sure to get some harmony going on between your Liver and Gall Bladder. ;)
Man the docs on this board are so into some strange shit, penile accupunture, can we say pain and torture? HAHAHAHAHAHA
