New member
Ok, so this is my log on these 2 supps. that are designed to be used together in a certain way. Starting on Maxi-Drol, and mid-way through the cycle starting Maxi-Test for pct, and natural test production. Will post results, and overall general condition everyday, including after workout, so stay tuned, and give feedback.
Last training session......
Chest, Shoulders, Tris............
Bench 4x4-6(210lbs.)
Incline Dumbell 4x4-10(75 lb. bells)
Incline Flyes 4x10-12(30 lb. bells)
Barbell Shoulder Press 4x6-10(105 lbs.)
Dumbell Press 4x6-10(50 lb. bells)
Dumbell Upright Rows 3x6-12(35 lb. bells)
Bent-Over One-Arm Lateralls 3x15(15 lb. dumbell)
Weighted Dips 4x10(body+35 lbs.)
Machine Dips 4x6-10(135 lbs.)
Lying Dumbell Extentions 3xfail(20 lb. bells)
Notes: Not many workouts under my belt, but noticed better pumps, and endurance with the 1st supp. It's a cycle, and I'm started the Maxi-Test halfway though. Only a few days or so into supplementation.
Last training session......
Chest, Shoulders, Tris............
Bench 4x4-6(210lbs.)
Incline Dumbell 4x4-10(75 lb. bells)
Incline Flyes 4x10-12(30 lb. bells)
Barbell Shoulder Press 4x6-10(105 lbs.)
Dumbell Press 4x6-10(50 lb. bells)
Dumbell Upright Rows 3x6-12(35 lb. bells)
Bent-Over One-Arm Lateralls 3x15(15 lb. dumbell)
Weighted Dips 4x10(body+35 lbs.)
Machine Dips 4x6-10(135 lbs.)
Lying Dumbell Extentions 3xfail(20 lb. bells)
Notes: Not many workouts under my belt, but noticed better pumps, and endurance with the 1st supp. It's a cycle, and I'm started the Maxi-Test halfway though. Only a few days or so into supplementation.