Caber and the ability to orgasm: Does it help?


New member
Through my research and reading it has been stated that using Cabergoline (Dostinex) while on a cycle is what is needed to assist the dopamine receptors which have an affect on the ability to come to orgasm during sex/masterbation. I am 8 weeks into a cycle and starting as early as week 3 it became very hard to come to orgasm. Caber has been recommended as a solution. Has anyone else used this for this intent and purpose? How long do you need to be on it in order to start having the positive affect? I am taking .25 mg e3d. Its been two weeks and I swear my ability to/length of time to come to orgasm has increased and not decreased. There seems to be a lack of sensation that is causing it it take so long and with much concentration. It just doesnt "feel" the same.
My labido is good and erections are not the issue, its the sensation and obtaining orgasm that are lacking. Will caber help with this? Anyone else experience this?
What does your estradiol look like? If it is high, it can have that effect. Just throwing more drugs at it isn't a smart way to go.
basically, when running 19nor steroids like deca, you have to watch your e2 extra closely because these steroids will convert to progesterone/prolactin in the presence of e2. Keeping your e2 in a healthy range will keep prolactin in a healthy range. Prolactin is responsible for the "refractory" period that one experiences after orgasm where it is difficult to become aroused for some time. So by elevating your progesterone/prolactin, you are keeping yourself in this refractory period making it difficult to become aroused. Keeping your e2 in check will keep your prolactin in check, but if it is already an issue then caber or prami will help counter these effects by acting on the dopamine receptors making you able to get aroused.
Many belive controlling your estrogen levels while using 19nors is enough to keep prolactin in check. I am of the opposite camp. I am sensitive to prolactin induced gyno. When I run tren/deca I need to use caber as well. If I don't my pre existing little gyno lump flares up. I use aromasin to keep my e2 in check but that is simply not enough. Cabee works great.
Many belive controlling your estrogen levels while using 19nors is enough to keep prolactin in check. I am of the opposite camp. I am sensitive to prolactin induced gyno. When I run tren/deca I need to use caber as well. If I don't my pre existing little gyno lump flares up. I use aromasin to keep my e2 in check but that is simply not enough. Cabee works great.

there is no such thing as "prolactin gyno". What you experienced was probably your nipples puffing up and getting sensitive in preparation for lactation. Prolactin itself will not cause breast tissue growth without the presence of high e2.
there is no such thing as "prolactin gyno". What you experienced was probably your nipples puffing up and getting sensitive in preparation for lactation. Prolactin itself will not cause breast tissue growth without the presence of high e2.

This is spot on. There is only one case where this would occur and it does not apply to us on cycle at all. The key is e2 management for sure. Do I have a problem using a DA if needed for sexual sides whatever, no not at all but it is not my defense for gyno at all. Gyno in 99.9 % of all cases is impossible without the presence of elevated estrogen.
Ok. I will clarify here. I have a very small pre existing gyno lump from puberty. It is very easy for me to use this to tell if my e2 is high. Any time it's high the lump swells a little, then I know to up my AI dosage. The lump has been the same size since puberty, it always goes down after it swells when I correct my AI dose. When using 19nors I found that it swells the same way but if I squeeze a nipple I get a brownish discharge. With out adjusting AI dosage, caber solves this at .5mgs E3D. So the prolactin is not the cause of the gyno, it is already there, but high prolactin does make the lump swell and the discharge.

This is the only board I'm on where people still preach that progesterone can be controlled with simply an AI.
Ok. I will clarify here. I have a very small pre existing gyno lump from puberty. It is very easy for me to use this to tell if my e2 is high. Any time it's high the lump swells a little, then I know to up my AI dosage. The lump has been the same size since puberty, it always goes down after it swells when I correct my AI dose. When using 19nors I found that it swells the same way but if I squeeze a nipple I get a brownish discharge. With out adjusting AI dosage, caber solves this at .5mgs E3D. So the prolactin is not the cause of the gyno, it is already there, but high prolactin does make the lump swell and the discharge.

This is the only board I'm on where people still preach that progesterone can be controlled with simply an AI.
it can. thats why. progesterone needs an abundance of e2 to be produced.
Through my research and reading it has been stated that using Cabergoline (Dostinex) while on a cycle is what is needed to assist the dopamine receptors which have an affect on the ability to come to orgasm during sex/masterbation. I am 8 weeks into a cycle and starting as early as week 3 it became very hard to come to orgasm. Caber has been recommended as a solution. Has anyone else used this for this intent and purpose? How long do you need to be on it in order to start having the positive affect? I am taking .25 mg e3d. Its been two weeks and I swear my ability to/length of time to come to orgasm has increased and not decreased. There seems to be a lack of sensation that is causing it it take so long and with much concentration. It just doesnt "feel" the same.
My labido is good and erections are not the issue, its the sensation and obtaining orgasm that are lacking. Will caber help with this? Anyone else experience this?

This same thing happens to me while on Tren, maybe about 4 weeks into a cycle, takes forever to come. Caber is supposed to inhibit prolactin release, which might be part of the problem, but there are no real medical results here to prove an effect on orgasm, other than it is known that Caber can reduce prolactin. Maybe you need to go to 0.5mg eod. Let me know if it works.....
it can. thats why. progesterone needs an abundance of e2 to be produced.

Ahh but see you are forgetting that tren and deca are progestins that bind to an activate the progesterone receptor. Tren about 60% of progesterone and deca just under 50%. I agree with you brother re e2 but this cant be forgotten when it comes to possible prgestin effects when taking tren or deca. Its quite tricky but you are correct that the bottom line is e2 management and many boards have issue with that, many dont and understand it as clearly as we do. Some old school boards primarily seem to be against this which is funny because Nandi cleared this issue up in around 2003 or 4 with a great write up id be glad to share if anyone would like to see it.