Call with Dorian Yates


NPC Amateur Bodybuilder
So for my xmas present to myself this year I bought a 30 minute consultation with Mr Yates. Having it on Monday and couldn't be more stoked. I had the opp to meet Jay Cutler at my first NPC in October and that was surreal. However, this is my chance to talk one on one with IMO the best bodybuilder of the 20th century. I have a list of questions to ask BUT, if you could ask the Shadow anything, what would it be? Cheers bros and Merry Christmas to you and your families.

If he actually talks about it or you can get him to, ask him how he dealt with all the injection soreness. Are you meeting with im in person or just having a phone conversastion with him?
damn thats cool as shit. how much did that run you?? was he open to talkin about gear or was it spoken about without actually speaking about it?? i wouldve recorded it haha
We didn't get into gear, didn't know if that was allowed. Lol. I did record it though!
That's awesome. He was in his heyday back when I was young and followed that sport, I was awestruck at that guy.
it might be a bad idea to post it for many reasons including that it was a paid consultation, unless you had his permission to record it and post it
Dorian is a legend. I'm not a fan of his physique but he is definitely freaky! I heard he has a mega drinking problem. Wonder if that's true.
Ya considering I paid for the consultation and there's a ton of advice that was given I won't post it. All in all it was an experience of a lifetime.
I always got that "arrogant douche" vibe from seeing his videos and reading his articles.

So in person (well, on the phone) he's a pretty nice guy? That's cool
How much that shit run you man?

Thats pretty cool.

I pop in Blood N Guts at least once a week.
I want his back on my back.

Oh, and duly noted that it was a paid consultation, but can you say some of what yall talked about? You obviously dont have to go into detail or his responses to you. Just curious of the flow of the conversation.

I had a "free" consultation years ago with Don Long right in the Gold's gym where he worked out. I wrote him a letter, and a few days later he called me out of the blue and told me to come to the gym so we could talk. Dude was crazy cool and looked like a damn T-Rex in person.

I'm looking to run down Kevin Levrone soon since I live pretty close to him and he seems to be on the comeback trail.
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Ya he was very nice on the phone. We went over mostly dieting for my show in march. I mentioned I was running a Keto diet and he highly advised against it, gave some great advice on carb cycling (high/low days). Also went into chest training. Advised against flat barbell bench for numerous reasons. Actually said that decline (barbell or dumbell) is what helped him the most with bringing out his overall chest.
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im not suprised that diet was the main topic... that's what it's all about baby..