calling WELSHMAN, and anyone else to verify my BD.EU


New member
i saw your post WELSHMAN! on your BD.EU stuff. i got one myself, so i wanted to get update from your use please, and if anyone else can help i be grateful . ty

i bought mine from someone in (London UK), i regert buying this now because of all the controversy surrounding BD copies/counterfeiters

its my first steroid cycle, and i dont want to inject something fake,unhygienic,or something uknown in my body. Having compared the lables and image on mine, i notice that the dragon image is poor quality, and the BD print has not been aligned correctly on the lable thus the top part is missing.

is this g2g or should i stay clear. also my exp date is like yours WELSHMAN 2010 -2015, and the 7 digit comes back a legit, ive checked it several times, and someone else also checked it for me, but i guess a forger , can copy legit 7 digit number onto fake bottles if they wanted to and pass it as the original BD.EU

the guy who i bought this from, has a store, and i know his shop, also my cousins know him too, although they have their own contacts for juice. He did tell me its UGL too. so he is not some anonymous fake dealer off the internet

if you guys think its not g2g, then i wont hesitate to get rid of it, and buy something else, but if its ok, i will go ahead and take it. Next time i buy something more solid and less controversial. However i heard some Pros are using the BD.EU stuff right now.

i tried to ask this from the ANALDILDOS.COM site, show my image to them, but their email dosent work, which is abit worrying.

anyway here are the pics:

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afterward i spoke to a good friend of mine. He said next time come to me i can get you whatever you want, or legitimate stuff, from biggest suppliers .

which BRAND should i go with next time? i think he can get any legitimate UGL around, and some Pharma grade. Although he said UGL mainly. stuff like LIXUS,BIOCHEM,SCIROXX,R.O.H.M

the most important aspects to me are (high grade, sterile,clean, legit compound, like pharama grade) never participed to the test-gear... i heard bad things about them.

better to stick with wellkown brands IMO. never participed to the test-gear... i heard bad things about them.better to stick with wellkown brands IMO.

thanks for your contribution. Before joining this froum i was reading some threads about BD.EU, and i realized you are very ANTI-BD.EU

also you say "i heard bad things about them". thats not good enough, you need explain yourself, like what?, give examples. what were the bad things? did the users get sick? did they get hospitalized? Did they die? what?????

i take your opinion, but in reality i need someone who has had personal experience with the brand to help me out.

you also say use "trused brands", which ones are the best trusted brands?

and someone get hold of WELSHMAN and tell him to come to my thread cheers.
i know peoples over the country is brewed.

honestly. you can trust in me when i said geneza, sciroxx, euro-pharmacies are way better.

these are not the only stuffs i have, i spent enough money to know what i talking about.

well wait to see what welshman sould be going to say on it if you want.
Hi, i personally ran there eq and andropen in the end and i thought it was good, loads of the boys i train with collectively virtually ran the whole line and the general feedback was good, certainly no infections or abcess's etc. All the stuff that i have seen the labels have been aligned correctly but the dragon is poor quality, but if the website says it ok it proberly is, i cant see anyone copying these.

Sciroxx,rohm and lixus are all good labs. i would personally go with rohm or sciroxx myself.
thank you both KANE RED MACHINE (moderator), & WELSHMAN!
next time i purchase, i shall go with one of the brands you mentioned

i just spoke to my cousing, he said his suppliers atm, has BIOCHEM & PROCHEM line. His line changes every few months. are any of these recommended by you guys?
my cousin told me he heard some of the pro bodybuilders in the UK scene are currently using this counterfeit BD.EU stuff, although he uses something else himself

so WELSHMAN, do you think i should just use the BD.EU (in picture, since i paid £50 for it + my cousing said it will take him a week or so before he can get the prochem or biochem stuff)or shall i get rid of it and try to find one of the "better brands" you and KANE RED MACHINE have recommended.

thanks guys

P.S. one final thing , do you guys filter UGL stuff once before use, or its unecessary? cheers
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I'd run it mate, up to you tho, no need to filter it. Prochems new production stuff is apperently good, MAN 2010,EXP2013 try and get the new production stuff rather than the old, think they had some dosing issue's. Like i said with the BD, a few of my mates are still running there Tren E and think it good stuff but you payed quite a lot for it, alot more than what i payed for it, thats pharma price's, id expect to pay that or near to that for norma test e and schering testoviron etc.

There's plenty of good labs about, i only mentioned these as they were on your list of what is available to you at the moment, are you in the uk.
I'd run it mate, up to you tho, no need to filter it. Prochems new production stuff is apperently good, MAN 2010,EXP2013 try and get the new production stuff rather than the old, think they had some dosing issue's. Like i said with the BD, a few of my mates are still running there Tren E and think it good stuff but you payed quite a lot for it, alot more than what i payed for it, thats pharma price's, id expect to pay that or near to that for norma test e and schering testoviron etc.

There's plenty of good labs about, i only mentioned these as they were on your list of what is available to you at the moment, are you in the uk.

yeah , im from London, you?
Ive got 5 bottles of there test e and got them from a very good source and to be honest have heard some good stuff about it from some of the lads in my gym,Cant seem to find much online apart from people who have never ran a course which is a shame as would be nice having some first hand accounts,Im yet to run it but i would run it as well if i was you.
Your g2g man had the exact same bottles with great results and painless injections. No longer using bd since I got a better source now :). Keep us posted on the results