Serious question about testosterone and increased attention from the opposite sex


New member
Ok so I didnt know where to post this, or If I should post it all given It sounds so redicilous, but Im very curious if someone else noticed something similar as I have?

To start out with, naturally I was pretty low testosterone. Around 360ng/dl on a range 300 - 1000. Given I was even a little above the lower limit, doctors refused to threat me, I tried for 2 years.

Eventually, I just hopped on and did my own thing, as Ive been working out for a long time and could use testosterone to put on more muscle mass anyway.

Im currently on a 500mg cycle and afterwards I plan to "cruise" and run my own TRT protocol at 100-150mg testosterone a week.

Now, never in my life have I been much of a ladies man, Im 32 years old and I was basicly invisible thruout high school and college, looks are average at best, on a good day.

Ever since I started injecting test, my "luck" with women have done a complete and opposite turn 180, I have no clue what is going on by im getting hit on ALOT nowadays, Im 11 weeks into my cycle and since week 1 - even before I had added any muscle mass - girls have been giving me a hell of a lot of attention.

Im talking women from rage 18 to over 40.

Going out to some bar, I get atleast a couple girls initiating conversation and/or giving me "the eye", the last month ive had sex with more women than my previous whole life.

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here? Ive not suddently become a male model, Im bigger but this started happening even before I started adding muscles, I guess I feel a little bit better and more self assured but could that really me the reason?

Im literally talking about being almost invisible, going years without getting attention and action, almost giving up women all together, to having sex with 8 girls the last 10 weeks.

What the hell is this? Its like they just like me now, whereas before they didnt like be around me.

This might sound fucking stupid, but its just my experience and I wonder if anyone else have experienced something similar? Is it some science to it like they go to men with super high test or something?

Please, if someone understand whats going on .. reply!
It is not your looks or your new muscles, it is the sense of confidence and how you carry yourself. Could also be some pheremones you are producing now with the higher test. Enjoy!
It is not your looks or your new muscles, it is the sense of confidence and how you carry yourself. Could also be some pheremones you are producing now with the higher test. Enjoy!

Yes, I do not know what it is, maybe because i feel better, or something, but the difference is like night and day. I never expected this. Im arguable little uglier now as I carry water in my face and am a little pudgy, but that doesnt seem to make a difference.

Have you experienced something like this?
Definitely agree with tankman above, confidence and how you carry yourself is vastly underrated how much women actually pick up on that.
Can't really speak for pheromones as I have no real knowledge or experience with that.
Hi and welcome to the board. :wavey:

I'd like to take a stab at what you might be experiencing.

There is much to say about a man that cv tryarries himself with a mind of self confidence. A man that walks , talks, holds his head high but with that is not arrogant. He shows some pride but Not over the top with a sense of pridefulness above others.

This we know can be more attractive then the timid shy one or the guy who's pridefulness puts himself above others. These features create a quick first impression.

By what you say you have never been it the position of great confidence. Attention was not a given as you cruised under most women's radar. Be it concious or unconcious when a man's test level increases it does have an effect on his aggressiveness, feelings of strength and thus attitude in general. This can be shown or become obvious to some even without you thinking you are doing anything different.

The placebo effect right from the first injection can have an effect on our pride and stride. Even our facial expressions can change a bit right off the bat before the Testosterone begins to do the work intended and more.

As most of us, especially early on in our career start to look at ourselves in the mirror, check our cloths and hair etc straight out from that first day.

So I tend to think much of what might be happening is you have changed slightly you demeanor which comes conciously and or unconsciously. You just may have mentally , before physically changed enough to shine out a bit from the back shadows of the aggressive sharks circling the bait.

As most women like a confident n strong type man they also want to see a lighter, thoughtful and softer side at the same time.

By your testimony IMHOP you fit the bill.

My .02 cts

Good answers guys, makes sense. Its so fun, literally just injecting this hormone have made a complete shift in my dating and sex life, its so so fun.

Im a 32 year old man and fucking teenage women wanna hog, this is just hilarious :P
don't listen to the above amateurs, trust me they spend way too much time on their pc and playing with their pps.
Wow bro, just wow...
Have you even looked at my most recent pictures ? I get pussy just by looking in a general direction :dj:
Ok so I didnt know where to post this, or If I should post it all given It sounds so redicilous, but Im very curious if someone else noticed something similar as I have?

To start out with, naturally I was pretty low testosterone. Around 360ng/dl on a range 300 - 1000. Given I was even a little above the lower limit, doctors refused to threat me, I tried for 2 years.

Eventually, I just hopped on and did my own thing, as Ive been working out for a long time and could use testosterone to put on more muscle mass anyway.

Im currently on a 500mg cycle and afterwards I plan to "cruise" and run my own TRT protocol at 100-150mg testosterone a week.

Now, never in my life have I been much of a ladies man, Im 32 years old and I was basicly invisible thruout high school and college, looks are average at best, on a good day.

Ever since I started injecting test, my "luck" with women have done a complete and opposite turn 180, I have no clue what is going on by im getting hit on ALOT nowadays, Im 11 weeks into my cycle and since week 1 - even before I had added any muscle mass - girls have been giving me a hell of a lot of attention.

Im talking women from rage 18 to over 40.

Going out to some bar, I get atleast a couple girls initiating conversation and/or giving me "the eye", the last month ive had sex with more women than my previous whole life.

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here? Ive not suddently become a male model, Im bigger but this started happening even before I started adding muscles, I guess I feel a little bit better and more self assured but could that really me the reason?

Im literally talking about being almost invisible, going years without getting attention and action, almost giving up women all together, to having sex with 8 girls the last 10 weeks.

What the hell is this? Its like they just like me now, whereas before they didnt like be around me.

This might sound fucking stupid, but its just my experience and I wonder if anyone else have experienced something similar? Is it some science to it like they go to men with super high test or something?

Please, if someone understand whats going on .. reply!

Opie got that golden glow back
Wow bro, just wow...
Have you even looked at my most recent pictures ? I get pussy just by looking in a general direction :dj:
Lol...good stuff. I’ve been married for 12 years and only cycling for the last 3 so I don’t get to experience all the flogging by hords of 20 year old women. Wife won’t let me go to the gym without her and my ring on...probably for the best. Oh well, guess I can live vicariously through some of y’ on!
Lol...good stuff. I***8217;ve been married for 12 years and only cycling for the last 3 so I don***8217;t get to experience all the flogging by hords of 20 year old women. Wife won***8217;t let me go to the gym without her and my ring on...probably for the best. Oh well, guess I can live vicariously through some of y***8217; on!

Those who have followed my log knows that i'm currently living in celibacy and have been for almost the entire 2018...
Why you ask ? penis is a horrible leader and decision maker... Had to sack that piece of shit lol...
Those who have followed my log knows that i'm currently living in celibacy and have been for almost the entire 2018...
Why you ask ? penis is a horrible leader and decision maker... Had to sack that piece of shit lol...

I think that holds True for most Men.

Thinking with the Little Head instead of the Big Head.................................. JP
I know the Little Head has gotten me into all kinds of Trouble over the years.
Ok so I didnt know where to post this, or If I should post it all given It sounds so redicilous, but Im very curious if someone else noticed something similar as I have?

To start out with, naturally I was pretty low testosterone. Around 360ng/dl on a range 300 - 1000. Given I was even a little above the lower limit, doctors refused to threat me, I tried for 2 years.

Eventually, I just hopped on and did my own thing, as Ive been working out for a long time and could use testosterone to put on more muscle mass anyway.

Im currently on a 500mg cycle and afterwards I plan to "cruise" and run my own TRT protocol at 100-150mg testosterone a week.

Now, never in my life have I been much of a ladies man, Im 32 years old and I was basicly invisible thruout high school and college, looks are average at best, on a good day.

Ever since I started injecting test, my "luck" with women have done a complete and opposite turn 180, I have no clue what is going on by im getting hit on ALOT nowadays, Im 11 weeks into my cycle and since week 1 - even before I had added any muscle mass - girls have been giving me a hell of a lot of attention.

Im talking women from rage 18 to over 40.

Going out to some bar, I get atleast a couple girls initiating conversation and/or giving me "the eye", the last month ive had sex with more women than my previous whole life.

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here? Ive not suddently become a male model, Im bigger but this started happening even before I started adding muscles, I guess I feel a little bit better and more self assured but could that really me the reason?

Im literally talking about being almost invisible, going years without getting attention and action, almost giving up women all together, to having sex with 8 girls the last 10 weeks.

What the hell is this? Its like they just like me now, whereas before they didnt like be around me.

This might sound fucking stupid, but its just my experience and I wonder if anyone else have experienced something similar? Is it some science to it like they go to men with super high test or something?

Please, if someone understand whats going on .. reply!

So I thought I’d go straight to the source and find this out. Obviously when I’m on cycle the wife and I increase our sexual activity substantially, but I just always assumed it was my super high T. So after reading this thread I asked her (I’m currently on cycle) if she found me more desirable when I was on than off. (Keep in mind we have been married for 12 years and I’ve only been cycling the last 3, both of us in our mid 30’s.)
She says I smell different when I’m on and she finds that smell very sexually arousing. She admits the body transformation I’ve made from 150lb/high teens bf% to current 180 12%ish bf helps but that doesn’t come and go with my pct. Too though, she admits my wanting her so much more makes the feeling more reciprocal.
So I cant rule out some type of pheromone deal that may contribute, but there seems more likely to be a combination of things that may turn us into sexual tyrannosaurus’s.
confused here, so your celebate or are you having sex?

I've decided to live celibacy for the coming future.
Its not that i'm opposed to sex or dont want it (i've sneaked a few one night stands in, but dont really count them..)

The actual reason is that I went back to not only one, but two exes. Granted had not seen or talked to them in years and we just randomly meet and clicked again...but there's always a reason shit ended in the first place...specially with party girls.
Its hella fun but its so empty in the long run, i'm getting older and want to start building a family and raise kids.
I also cant party like I used too lol...

The "issue" is that I look like 20-25 (babyface...) and on top of that, i'm only attracted to 20-25 year olds...which doesn't offer much foundation to build something serious on to begin with...

And after 1.5 wild years with exes and then another 6 months overcompensating and pretty much fucking anything softer than my wall...
I came to the realization that I need to start making the decisions and not the other dude, because that will only be bad choices with different intents than what I'm actually looking for and want in my life. the same time, that means I will have to compromise which isn't really something i'm good at...
I want it all basically and until I can articulate what it is that I actually want... I'm just not gonna seek out and look for it and definitely not gonna try and substitute love with sex anymore...
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