RIDA your English is amazingly correct lol
As is his reasoning as the others members input. In addition to your body young sir, little attention is paid to the long term effect of aas to your mind. I started young, to young. And I went pretty far in local regional contests. But I am a slave to trt, prone to wild mood swings ( but nothing like when 5 years ago ) and have a very violent past due to my natural genetics plus the fact that aas fed my rage, depression, divorce, losing access to a kid for 3 years as people were scared of me.
Please post a pic so we can see what we re dealing with OK ? I can see you at 6 ft 2 inches 205 pounds at age 23 ripped as hell without ever sticking a needle in your ass, losing a gf or 6 do due temper ( at your age come on ) erection problems, mood swings.
I ll make a bet with you. Get w 3j for some diet tips, learn to train like a powerlifter, stick around and do not go to another forum just cuz we want you to help you not hurt yourself OK. If you give me 6 months of living the life to put on mass natural like..post up photo s of your progress...proof your not just another " I want to be big NOW NOW NOW..." child.. and I will let you tell me what gear you have in hand and set you on the path to using what you have correctly. This ain t beer and weed or getting a tattoo. You are fucking with your bodies main operating systems including your mind. Trust me. I am really beat up physically, challenged to get out of bed. My brain is 5 times worse off...all do to aas.
U have my word. Do everything as your told for 6 months; eating, training resting.....I will assist you.
Do not let the guy selling you gear tell you jack or shit ok? He s just moving product.