Calves wont grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
What is a good calve routine and how many times a week should they be trained? and with how many reps and sets? ive tryed everything and my calves just dont respond to my training so i need help really bad. So if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.:mad:
I had shit for calves until I started using a dogcrapp inspired routine.

1-2 sets twice a week with extreme stretching has done more for my calves in 2 months then I had gotten from standard routines in the last 2 years.
I do 3 sets standing, then 3 sets seated. 2-3 x a week. I aim for about 10 reps each set. Working your calfs on a leg press is really good to do to.

When your doing calfs, make sure when you get done with a set that you can't walk for about 15 seconds afterwards. If you can, you didn't hit them hard enough imo.

Make sure when you are doing standing raises that you lower your heel to the floor every rep. Or as close as possible. I see so many idiots at my gym that pile the weight on, but do half reps :mad:
Implants and your done! LOL Pump N Pose! LOL I hear ya man, I am in the same boat. I think it has a lot to do with genetics!
simpllyhuge said:
is there a thread thats clear that explains the hole dog crapp training theory.

His routine and theories are very long and informed. Plus he tailors them alot to individual needs. A basic overview can be found in the post cycling for pennies. I dont think there is a thread on it on this site. However many other sites do post it as a sticky. Very good info.

Until recently it could be viewed on animalkits.
Bolex has an abreviated version in its training forum.
KellyExpress said:
What is a good calve routine and how many times a week should they be trained? and with how many reps and sets? ive tryed everything and my calves just dont respond to my training so i need help really bad. So if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.:mad:
I do mine until I cant do them anymore. I got great calfs!;)
Try this..

Standing calf raises..

Dont start off with your Normal weight as you will NOT be able to finish the workout.

Do 25 Reps, rest 10 secs. or until the burning subsides..
Do 10 More, rest till burning Subsides
Do 10 More, etc etc
Do 10 More, etc etc
Do 10 More, etc etc
Do 10 More, etc etc
Do 10 More, etc etc
Do 10 More then try to walk to your car..

GL as it is gonna be extremely tough. Your next few days will let you know if you are training your calves well enough.

This is a very serious post as I do it and it rocks. If you search the "Training Forum" you will see the entire post. I just got lazy...
My calf routine.

Standing calf raise-6 Sets going up in weight every set until on the last set you have all the stack.

Seated calf raise-4 Sets again pyramiding up.

One legged standing calf raise-3 Sets

All sets are 20 reps or until you cant move another millimetre.

Then crawl home but this will grow your calves guaranteed.
Doggcrap training is quite similar to Hypertrophy Specific Training

The HST site has tons of quality info about weight training in general. Specifically the FAQ sections of the forum.
My calves aren't the best but I have definitely improved them over time. It has been slow but it is at least nice to see improvement. Research shows that the size of calves increase proportionally to their strength. Now I'm sure there are genetically gifted individuals on this forum who have weak calves but are huge. However, you should focus on increasing the strength of them. I also agree with the dogcrapp training and I have just started it myself. It is very painful but I will keep everyone updated on my progress.
dude said:
Research shows that the size of calves increase proportionally to their strength.

Fuck man my calves are strong as fuck but still look like a 12 year old girl's(ok not quite). We've got hammer strength machines and I load them up with all the plates I can fit no problem. I cna't really see much more strength.
Strength does help, but not to the same degree in calves as in chest or quads.

I do Nelson's method, which is basically what ken described, and I've been seeing great results from that.

Also try sprints and plyometrics to increase calf size.
Do Nelson Montana Calf Routine.

Pick a weight that you can do a maximum of 20 reps with on your first set. You will use this same weight throughout the whole routine.

Set 1 - 20 reps
Set 2 - Max reps (should be less than 20)
Set 2 - Max reps

Do this until you have done a total of 75 reps. On your last set if you can get to 80, then do it. Don't stop because you made it to 75, if you can keep going, then do it.

This program may seem easy, but if you push yourself, the last set will give you a serious burn after a couple reps and the next few days will have you limping.

I did this last spring and I was f'ed up for a good 3 days. My calves took a beating of a life time and I could hardly walk.
No matter how light a calf workout, if I don't stretch goooood between sets, I can't walk for like a week.