can i get feedback if possible --latest pics from june/07

Dirkmoneyshot.. thanks.. i've added some previous contest photos from my first two shows (nov 18 & 25/06) so you can see me in all three shows.. obviously i wasn't in the same form as previous shows.. but i think there is something to the water thing..

i cut water thurs nite.. but according to my trainer's directions.. i only had a few hours of overlap with the water intake and carb loading beginning.. i didn't feel like my muscles were loading at all.. i told my trainer and he said.. wait and see (but i never even got the rxn i had in first two shows.. thought maybe holding water, but perhaps fat level not low enough either).. my carbs had been restricted before that to about 40g/meal (wt on the scale). the only fluid i had before going onstage is about 3/4 of a can of coke with my last couple carb meals before the prejudging.. (i had two small carb meals an hour apart before leaving for the show) and then i had a mars bar & about 500ml water while pumping up approx 1/2-15min before going onstage.) i didn't get to properly pump up before going on stage or taking photos either.. my trainer was late and had all my gear.. he said i had lots of time.. and i knew i didn't from what they told me at weigh-in the night before. he simply brushed it off...

i can see your point.. and perhaps i must find another trainer.. i was very disappointed in mine, especially this past show.. he really let me down.

i only lift light weights with high reps about 4 wks before the show.. i did have a season of heavy lifting before lightening the weights and increasing the reps. from that training, i put on 11lbs of muscle since the last show (in 6 mos).. i don't think i began dieting early enough.. and i think my trainer has sum strange ideas about carb loading and dehydration.. what a drag...

also.. tell me.. what can enhance or speed up (if anything) muscle maturity if i don't have it.. i was told i did.. but hell.. not really feeling good about what i've been told now.. lol

PS.. i probably also pushed a little late with the training before the show too. last leg day was monday before the show.. trained full body in remaining two days (tue/wed).. last tanning day was wed also. but i didn't get much rest and i was also very stressed. probably a few factors here... the photos really don't show the striations and cross striations very well (altho my legs were holding water undoubtedly)... but they are there in the pics from the first two shows. i've been more shredded all week after the show than i was at the show.. that was my first clue that something was very wrong.. and my trainer hasn't replied to my questions about this. i guess i'm on my own in figuring this out (i will be picking your brains for any plausible explanation.. (thx!!)
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I'm glad you put up the new pics- they do tell a little better story. Your upper body is far ahead in terms of leanness. You can really tell that by your side shot. Just take a look at your legs. Very little seperation between hamstrings and quads. Also there is a lack of seperation in your front quad shot.

Your abs, and back are very good. My only suggestion is do not try and blow up because you want those skin folds to tighten up so next time around you don't have them.

Keep lifting heavy weights with lots of volume. It will come along. I really think your on the right track and just some very minor things that need to change. Your really not horribly off and should be able to correct them in a fairly short time. Keep all of us updated next time you start dieting again.
gator_mclusky said:
Look great doll. I wouldnt resort to any compounds that will Virulize. Permanant sides for temorary results. Sweet results but they wiont be kept for the most part.
Keep up the hard work.

Gator :)

hi gator..

i'm with you there.. i really am glad to be very feminine looking and i don't want to risk losing it. i have and will continue to make careful choices about what i put in my body.. my objective is to make money modeling--and i'm doing that fortunately.. so femininity is a must. i will be looking to enter natural bodybuilding shows in the future.
Hi Evangeline!

First off Congratulations! You look tip top! want to do natural bodybuilding but you've used long do you have to be clean to be considered natural?'ve been crazy informative in this thread!!!! I love it! :)

You mentioned paper thin skin........I've been told to achieve this that this has to do with diet diet diet. As you all know I am skeptical of some of the things my coaches do with my diet but they always mention coming in with that thin skin.....Diet Diet Diet! My diet is strict far out and they say that will have an effect on how the skin looks! I'm not sure if that's right but I guess I will see when I step on stage!

Also.....are you finding that you peak a couple days after the contest??
Miss Muscle said: want to do natural bodybuilding but you've used long do you have to be clean to be considered natural?

You mentioned paper thin skin........I've been told to achieve this that this has to do with diet diet diet. As you all know I am skeptical of some of the things my coaches do with my diet but they always mention coming in with that thin skin.....Diet Diet Diet! My diet is strict far out and they say that will have an effect on how the skin looks! I'm not sure if that's right but I guess I will see when I step on stage!

Also.....are you finding that you peak a couple days after the contest??

well, the show i want to enter next is in october.. it's only a urine test.. no polygraph. i will be totally clean by then.. i haven't done anything long-lasting (on purpose).. i thought i might end up going "natural" (or just using growth hormone near the show).. i am just not prepared to put anything more than mildly androgenic in my body..

i did follow my trainer's instructions for my diet EXACTLY.. as did i follow his instructions for water intake/carb loading.. but i think somewhere along the line he has misjudged something.. i think i wasn't properly carb loaded.. i didn't drink at all until just before the show.. i didn't feel loaded.. my muscles felt FLAT.. i told him.. but he just shrugged it off and said "you'll see".. i didn't.

i think i'm peaking after the contest because at that point i have taken in sum water and my muscles are finally loading with water.. albeit.. i don't guzzle after the show either.. and i have remained on the distilled water since then (since i am afraid of rebound water retention.. i retain so much water in my legs/hips --i am so frustrated. can't see the striations in my glutes that i so faithfully labored for. it's there, but hidden by stubborn pockets of water). I am still tapering off dandelion root very slowly.. i was taking about 26 (500mg) caps a day at one point.. (again.. according to my trainer's directions). the thing is.. he was very distant this show.. and didn't really give me much attention and counselling--no where near the amount he did back in november.. so i tend to think it's a miscalculation on his part. i simply did exactly as i was told.

i think i will be experimenting soon with the contest prep process.. to see what actually works best. i'm a little confused now.. because he had me drinking no water at all (after thurs nite at 8pm) until 15 minutes before going on stage.. and i have never really looked my best on stage yet. the last show was worse than the first two shows and i KNOW my physique far outshines the shape i was in last November (with 11lb of muscle gained in 6 months).

thanks miss muscle.. appreciate your feedback very much.
You are right on the tipping point where if you continue down the path you are on AAS-wise you will lose what's left of your feminine features.
well, the show i want to enter next is in october.. it's only a urine test.. no polygraph. i will be totally clean by then.. i haven't done anything long-lasting (on purpose).. i thought i might end up going "natural" (or just using growth hormone near the show).. i am just not prepared to put anything more than mildly androgenic in my body.. Won't the effects still be in your system though? Won't you still have a bit of an edge? And is your voice lowered and if it is will it be a permanent change?

i did follow my trainer's instructions for my diet EXACTLY.. as did i follow his instructions for water intake/carb loading.. but i think somewhere along the line he has misjudged something.. i think i wasn't properly carb loaded.. i didn't drink at all until just before the show.. i didn't feel loaded.. my muscles felt FLAT.. i told him.. but he just shrugged it off and said "you'll see".. i didn't.I think it's time and experimentation.......when you are new to this sport you don't know what to expect and feel safe listening to your trainer word for word. I am in that situation right now.....I don't like everything my trainers do but at the same time I'm afraid if I veer of course I will end up making things much worse!

i think i'm peaking after the contest because at that point i have taken in sum water and my muscles are finally loading with water.. albeit.. i don't guzzle after the show either.. and i have remained on the distilled water since then (since i am afraid of rebound water retention.. i retain so much water in my legs/hips --i am so frustrated. can't see the striations in my glutes that i so faithfully labored for. it's there, but hidden by stubborn pockets of water). I am still tapering off dandelion root very slowly.. i was taking about 26 (500mg) caps a day at one point.. (again.. according to my trainer's directions). the thing is.. he was very distant this show.. and didn't really give me much attention and counselling--no where near the amount he did back in november.. so i tend to think it's a miscalculation on his part. i simply did exactly as i was told. It does sound like you are peaking after the fact. It sounds like you need to drink the water earlier. It's funny how you retain water in the legs.......I am prepping for my first contest right now and am at 14 weeks legs are full of striations already! My coaches said they have never seen anything like it before! I look weeks ahead of where I should be in the legs......the rest of my body is at about par....I'm even losing weight faster than I should! You are paying for your trainer.....they should definately be giving you their full attention....I may complain about my coaches alot but they certainly give me full attention and take the time out to spend extra with me if I request which I often do cuz I'm full of questions!

i think i will be experimenting soon with the contest prep process.. to see what actually works best. i'm a little confused now.. because he had me drinking no water at all (after thurs nite at 8pm) until 15 minutes before going on stage.. and i have never really looked my best on stage yet. the last show was worse than the first two shows and i KNOW my physique far outshines the shape i was in last November (with 11lb of muscle gained in 6 months). This is all you can really do Evangeline. No water till 15 minutes before stage....I've never heard of this! Your first shows are very much a learning process but you WILL get the hang of it! I'm only in my prep for 6 weeks now and I've learned so much it's crazy!

I'm sorry to have hijacked your thread. I'm obviously excited about competing also and since this is a "discussion" board I often bring questions and comments about my prep into threads also. And people give me shit for it. I can just always relate in some way so by no means am I trying to take away from your thread Evangeline!
Miss Muscle said:
Won't the effects still be in your system though? Won't you still have a bit of an edge? And is your voice lowered and if it is will it be a permanent change?
no.. my voice hasn't lowered. i haven't really don't anything more than winstrol, anavar & primobolan.. and even then, short cycles and low doses.

Miss Muscle said:
It does sound like you are peaking after the fact.
It sounds like you need to drink the water earlier.
It's funny how you retain water in the legs.......I am prepping for my first contest right now and am at 14 weeks legs are full of striations already! My coaches said they have never seen anything like it before!
No water till 15 minutes before stage....I've never heard of this!
yes, i think that's the problem ..not drinking water on the friday.. i envy you for the fact that your legs are cutting up so beautifully.. i know my legs will be one of my best attributes when i get this water off. i have to figure out what's causing it so i can remedy the problem.

Miss Muscle said:
I'm sorry to have hijacked your thread. I'm obviously excited about competing also and since this is a "discussion" board I often bring questions and comments about my prep into threads also. And people give me shit for it. I can just always relate in some way so by no means am I trying to take away from your thread Evangeline!
nonetheless.. i very much enjoyed hearing your experience and feedback.. it's all helpful.
ManOfMuscle said:
You are right on the tipping point where if you continue down the path you are on AAS-wise you will lose what's left of your feminine features.
from what i have read, i shouldn't have masculinization to any great degree.. i'm not prepared to test/deca or anything like that.
you realize i'm 42 years old.. ?
i had full hysterectomy in my 20's and have been on extremely low dose estrogen up until the last couple years.. since then i only take it a couple times a week.. so i'm almost "menopausal"--even tho thru surgery and medication..
in other words.. there's enough substantiation for me to have a slight lack in femininity without making any quick assumptions that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is responsible.
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evangeline said:
from what i have read, i shouldn't have masculinization to any great degree.. i'm not prepared to test/deca or anything like that.
you realize i'm 42 years old.. ?
i had full hysterectomy in my 20's and have been on extremely low dose estrogen up until the last couple years.. since then i only take it a couple times a week.. so i'm almost "mednopausal"--even tho thru surgery and medication..
in other words.. there's enough substantiation for me to have a slight lack in femininity without making any quick assumptions that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is responsible.

Sounds like you're on the right track with non aromatizing stuff but I still worry when stacking multiple anabolics at reasonable dosages. I wasn't trying to say you've lost your feminine look already.
ManOfMuscle said:
Sounds like you're on the right track with non aromatizing stuff but I still worry when stacking multiple anabolics at reasonable dosages. I wasn't trying to say you've lost your feminine look already.

manofmuscle.. np--i read your post carefully.. and i guess i made my interpretation because of the key phrase
"you will lose what's **left** of your feminine features"
--thankyou for the clarification...
i have those concerns too.. i realize they are a risk.. but my personal feeling at this time is that they are a lesser risk, especially if the dosages are carefully determined.. i didn't want high dosages of Winstrol (winny), so i added anavar. and i only used primobolan during my hypertrophy phase. at that time i did 10mg tab of anavar daily and the primo/winny every three days. i really didn't have any problems with this combination... but i realize that continued use means escalating risk of this happening, because they are still "mildly" androgenic.. and i will continue to assess this on an ongoing basis.
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evangeline said:
manofmuscle.. np--i read your post carefully.. and i guess i made my interpretation because of the key phrase
"you will lose what's **left** of your feminine features"
--thankyou for the clarification...
i have those concerns too.. i realize they are a risk.. but my personal feeling at this time is that they are a lesser risk, especially if the dosages are carefully determined.. i didn't want high dosages of Winstrol (winny), so i added anavar. and i only used primobolan during my hypertrophy phase. at that time i did 10mg tab of anavar daily and the primo/winny every three days. i really didn't have any problems with this combination... but i realize that continued use means escalating risk of this happening, because they are still "mildly" androgenic.. and i will continue to assess this on an ongoing basis.

You make a good point when you mention that at your age you have a lot less to worry about in terms of hormonal processes and whatnot being disturbed. I think your face still looks very womanly and I'd be sad if next time I saw you it was blocky and mannish ;)
ManOfMuscle said:
You make a good point when you mention that at your age you have a lot less to worry about in terms of hormonal processes and whatnot being disturbed. I think your face still looks very womanly and I'd be sad if next time I saw you it was blocky and mannish ;)

that would make two of us.. especially in light of the fact that muscular modeling is one of my goals.. i don't think i'd wanna have to shave my face every day either... LOL
evangeline said:
Dirkmoneyshot.. thanks.. i've added some previous contest photos from my first two shows (nov 18 & 25/06) so you can see me in all three shows.. obviously i wasn't in the same form as previous shows.. but i think there is something to the water thing..

i cut water thurs nite.. but according to my trainer's directions.. i only had a few hours of overlap with the water intake and carb loading beginning.. i didn't feel like my muscles were loading at all.. i told my trainer and he said.. wait and see (but i never even got the rxn i had in first two shows.. thought maybe holding water, but perhaps fat level not low enough either).. my carbs had been restricted before that to about 40g/meal (wt on the scale). the only fluid i had before going onstage is about 3/4 of a can of coke with my last couple carb meals before the prejudging.. (i had two small carb meals an hour apart before leaving for the show) and then i had a mars bar & about 500ml water while pumping up approx 1/2-15min before going onstage.) i didn't get to properly pump up before going on stage or taking photos either.. my trainer was late and had all my gear.. he said i had lots of time.. and i knew i didn't from what they told me at weigh-in the night before. he simply brushed it off...

i can see your point.. and perhaps i must find another trainer.. i was very disappointed in mine, especially this past show.. he really let me down.

i only lift light weights with high reps about 4 wks before the show.. i did have a season of heavy lifting before lightening the weights and increasing the reps. from that training, i put on 11lbs of muscle since the last show (in 6 mos).. i don't think i began dieting early enough.. and i think my trainer has sum strange ideas about carb loading and dehydration.. what a drag...

also.. tell me.. what can enhance or speed up (if anything) muscle maturity if i don't have it.. i was told i did.. but hell.. not really feeling good about what i've been told now.. lol

PS.. i probably also pushed a little late with the training before the show too. last leg day was monday before the show.. trained full body in remaining two days (tue/wed).. last tanning day was wed also. but i didn't get much rest and i was also very stressed. probably a few factors here... the photos really don't show the striations and cross striations very well (altho my legs were holding water undoubtedly)... but they are there in the pics from the first two shows. i've been more shredded all week after the show than i was at the show.. that was my first clue that something was very wrong.. and my trainer hasn't replied to my questions about this. i guess i'm on my own in figuring this out (i will be picking your brains for any plausible explanation.. (thx!!)

If you want to get a really good result from your Jintropin you should do 1iU of GH for each 10Kg off weight.
If your weight is 60Kg you must inj 6 Iu of GH, that's how we do in Portugal...
The best time of the day to take the GH is before you going to sleep, cause is when our body produce the most GH.
With GH you wil not have the masculinization problem...
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vrodrigo said:
If you want to get a really good result from your Jintropin you should do 1iU of GH for each 10Kg off weight.
If your weight is 60Kg you must inj 6 Iu of GH, that's how we do in Portugal...
The best time of the day to take the GH is before you going to sleep, cause is when our body produce the most GH.
With GH you wil not have the masculinization problem...

thanks.. the literature than comes with my jin says atleast 4iu a day for bodybuilders.. but doesn't specify any means of calculating for different weight.. it also states best to use 3 days on, 1 day off OR 5 days on, 2 days off regimine when used for bodybuilding. i started off at 2iu daily. i will increase maybe to 4iu qam (each morning), but on my next kit. being a woman.. i am thinking 3iu daily when i first wake would be good for me at present (3-4 days on, 1 day off). i am using slin post workout too., approx 10iu of humalog PWO (don't care to risk fat gain). my opinion is that it's best to titrate up slowly when first trying anything new and questionable in side effects and dose. the jin literature states this is the best way to be sure u don't experience any nasty sides from it.

of course, i don't take the literature to be the undisputed best method. i am reading anything on GH i can get my hands on, including here in this forum. with 12-13 years of pharmacy behind me, i can't help always pushing to prove or disprove methods and optimize techniques.. but it's the sheer price of the jin that really drives me to get to the bottom of this one.. i don't want to waste an i.u. of it...

others call my constant quest an obsession, i call it diligent frugality...
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evangeline said:
thanks.. the literature than comes with my jin says atleast 4iu a day for bodybuilders.. but doesn't specify any means of calculating for different weight.. it also states best to use 3 days on, 1 day off OR 5 days on, 2 days off regimine when used for bodybuilding. i started off at 2iu daily. i will increase maybe to 4iu qam (each morning), but on my next kit. being a woman.. i am thinking 3iu daily when i first wake would be good for me at present (3-4 days on, 1 day off). i am using slin post workout too., approx 10iu of humalog PWO (don't care to risk fat gain). my opinion is that it's best to titrate up slowly when first trying anything new and questionable in side effects and dose. the jin literature states this is the best way to be sure u don't experience any nasty sides from it.

of course, i don't take the literature to be the undisputed best method. i am reading anything on GH i can get my hands on, including here in this forum. with 12-13 years of pharmacy behind me, i can't help always pushing to prove or disprove methods and optimize techniques.. but it's the sheer price of the jin that really drives me to get to the bottom of this one.. i don't want to waste an i.u. of it...

others call my constant quest an obsession, i call it diligent frugality...

I too have been doing lots of research on GH.....I think if and when I do try something GH will be the first thing.

I too call your constant quest a diligent frugality girl!!!!! :)