Can I mix NPP & Test E into the same vial?


New member
I want to get the right ratio of NPP & Test E into the same vial and inject from that one bottle.. Instead of doing seperate injections... Is it fine to mix and store?
You will blow up your house!

In all seriousness, I keep them in separate vials but draw from each into one syringe so that I can do just one injection.
I personally like blending my gear into one vial at calculated ratios so I can just draw up from one vial. Some say it makes for an inconsistent blend, I think that's BS. Shake it up when blending and give it a whirl before your about to draw out of the vial if need be :)
I keep them separate but draw from thee same syringe depending on how many mL's of each. I don't like more then 2mL in one syringe.
After you guys draw from more than one vial into the same syringe, do you change needles? Just curious. I'm considering running a couple different things later this summer & I'm trying to get my ducks in a row.
After you guys draw from more than one vial into the same syringe, do you change needles? Just curious. I'm considering running a couple different things later this summer & I'm trying to get my ducks in a row.

ya same 18ga to draw from both is what i do. just put it stright into both and dont let it touch and weird shit and it should be fine
After you guys draw from more than one vial into the same syringe, do you change needles? Just curious. I'm considering running a couple different things later this summer & I'm trying to get my ducks in a row.

I use the same one to draw from different vials but a different one to inject.