Can i stop taking hgh for a few days?


New member
I've been taking HGH for about 40 days straight. Then I realized after reading and reading that maybe I should have gone with the original plan of 5 on 2 off, to let my natural HGH not get suppressed.
I haven't taken it today yet and was going to take a few days off. Should I?

I don't want my natural HGH to get lazy so when I come off I feel like crap. Also only respond if you have actually done HGH please. There are enough threads out there that are just passed info from people who have never done something


Also if your done it before how does it feel when you eventually come off and what were your dosages.
I am very skeptical of the theory that you can suppress your natural GH. I've never known anyone to suffer from this.
It doesn't get supressed. The majority is released overnight when you're asleep so most ppl don't pin just before bed for that reason.

5 on 2 off is just to save money. 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year is a better strategy
It doesn't get supressed. The majority is released overnight when you're asleep so most ppl don't pin just before bed for that reason.

5 on 2 off is just to save money. 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year is a better strategy

What about this back pain I've got ever since I've started? Could that be from hgh?
What about this back pain I've got ever since I've started? Could that be from hgh?

Back pain isn't usually associated with hgh that i know of. Carpel tunnel issues in wrists or ankles are more common.

What other compounds are you taking or doing any exercise that engages your lower back?
I may have been doing bad form on deads. I've stopped obvussly due to the pain. But it's been very sore. Like old man sore. Ike also taking test and var.
I may have been doing bad form on deads. I've stopped obvussly due to the pain. But it's been very sore. Like old man sore. Ike also taking test and var.

well var is known to cause muscle cramps and bad pumps in some people. that may it the irritant. Other than that, it isn't just dead lifts that cause sore lower backs.
Bad form doing standing DB curls, squatting, banana back during bench press, cheating lat pulldowns....and heaps more could cause it
I always get really mean back pumps on cycle... high test will do it, var does it, tren does it to me. Other compounds not as much. I get the really bad on deadlifts/squats or any exercise that requires more core strength throughout...
Try L-Taurine at 2-5gs daily and see if they don't go away. Otherwise it might be cramping or just bad form.. but if it's muscular and your on a blast I daresay the pumps are to blame :)
I always get really mean back pumps on cycle... high test will do it, var does it, tren does it to me. Other compounds not as much. I get the really bad on deadlifts/squats or any exercise that requires more core strength throughout...
Try L-Taurine at 2-5gs daily and see if they don't go away. Otherwise it might be cramping or just bad form.. but if it's muscular and your on a blast I daresay the pumps are to blame :)

Thabks guys for the advice. But it seems more like a fucking bad spine than a muscle cramp. It kind of sucks. I actually took off working out tho the past 2 days no GH and I feel better. But it still hurts.